Thursday, January 28, 2010

My life is exciting...

You know you might need to get our more when you can't wait to get home from work and try out your new "bow saw" on the your crepe myrtles that need to be trimmed.. And the new gadget from Windex that helps you clean your outside windows. I'm just saying...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If you are going to be a Saints fan...

you need to put two of these in your yard ASAP! Mine will be here next week.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

BK cooks!

Serving it up with one potholder, barefooted, and probably with no pants!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Making progress..

We took BT with us to a sporting goods store yesterday and he wandered over to the baseball stuff.. He tried out several bats, looked at lots of baseballs, asked a lot of questions about different equipment, and decided what he already had works for him.. I am talking progress!

Friday, January 22, 2010

RIP Taz...

Taz: June 1998 - January 22, 2010.
You were unique to say the least and loved beyond words.. There is a hole in my heart that will take a long time to heal.. I miss you..


Our little black Pom, Taz, is not doing too well, again. The vet says he will be surprised if she makes it another month, and although he didn't say it, I could tell he thinks we should put her down. Having had to do this less than two months ago with Boo, I get extremely upset even thinking about putting another one of our pets down. These three dogs have been part of my life for many years, and the house seems a lot less full with one gone, and I can't imagine what it will be like when Taz is gone. She is the one I always said I would miss the most since she has always been my constant companion. Wherever I am, she wants to be there.. even now when she can't walk and has to be carried from one location to another. Whatever room I am in, we make sure she is where she can see me at all times. If not, she gets distressed and starts fussing. It is actually funny to watch, because as soon as I stick my head around the corner where she can see me, she will hush.

She is steadily losing weight, and she has always been a great eater, but not so much anymore. Last night was a rough night. She had a very upset stomach and this is not a good situation when you can't walk. She finally settled down and seemed to rest about 3:30 this morning after being up since midnight. She would not eat this morning, and drank very little. I don't even like thinking about what the weekend will mean for her. At some point, we have to say enough is enough. We have spent over three thousand dollars trying to get her healthy, and nothing is working. I would gladly spend three thousand more if I could see any sign that she is improving, but I haven't, and at some point we have to decide if we just are just keeping her alive because we don't want to be without her. If she has lived out her days on this earth, and it is her time to go, then I want to do what is best for her, and let her go. Actually walking in the vet's office and telling him we believe it is time is what is going to suck. Especially for my husband.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not no, BUT HELL NO!!!

When I was at Daughter's house the other night playing with the kids, out of the blue BT told his mama he wanted her to have another baby. I immediately said, "She needs another baby like a 14 year old needs another baby!.... Enough said. She loves the ones she has, but she doesn't need anymore, AND, she is single! Good grief!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There may be some hope after all!

Yesterday after leaving work I went to Daughter's house instead of them coming to my house. The weather was nice and she wanted the kids to play outside in their own backyard for a change. When I got there, they were all outside playing. BK was on the trampoline and BT was throwing the frisbee with his mother (or as much as anyone can throw a frisbee with someone who is obsessed with her phone).. But, I won't get off on that soapbox right now. So, when BT realized I was there, he knew he would have all of my attention because I am all about talking to the people I am with... I know, I is hard to get off that soapbox.. Anyway, we started throwing the frisbee and he was doing a great job of chasing down the frisbee and catching it. I commented on it several times and told him he might need to reconsider playing baseball since he was so good at catching the frisbee. Out of the clear blue sky, he ran and got his baseball and we started throwing it and catching it with our bare hands. He was catching almost everything I threw to him. And, he throws really well for an almost six year old. He is very accurate. Then, out of the clear blue sky, again, he ran and got his bat and asked me to pitch to him. (I am almost beside myself at this point). I pitched and he knocked the crap out of the ball.... HITTING LEFT HANDED.. I mentioned something about him throwing right handed and hitting left handed, and he said... THAT IS HOW I LIKE TO HIT AND THROW!!! He said he LIKED something related to sports!!!! As any good G would do, or say, I told him all the coaches would love to have him on his team and I swear he stood up a little taller when I told him that. Then Daughter walked out and saw what was going on and told him she had gotten an email from the coach yesterday about playing ball. Usually he runs in the other direction when baseball is mentioned, or very adamantly reminds us THAT HE QUIT last year BECAUSE HE DOES NOT LIKE SPORTS!!!! I am telling you those are some sad words for me to hear. BUT, he seems really interested this year, and wants to practice again, with me pitching. We stayed outside until it was too dark to see the ball anymore. And, when he went inside to eat his dinner, he was still talking about it..

There may be some hope after all.... a G can hope!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Orleans Saints v. Minnesota Vikings

This is the ultimate football show down if you live in these parts! Brett Favre is from Kiln Mississippi, and Deuce McAllister is a Mississippi native and actually lives in the same town I live in.

Sunday will be a fantastic game between two really good teams! Ultimate football showdown! GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!

Hanging out with the grandkids...

Monday was a school holiday for BT and for some reason the daycare followed suit and closed as well. I thought this was strange as it would appear that parents who depend on daycare would be put in a bind and either have to to take off work, or find someone to keep their children when daycare chooses to follow the school's schedule. I thought that was the purpose of daycare, to keep kids when parents are working!!! It just doesn't make much sense to me. But, anyway, I took off work and kept the kids so Daughter would not have to.

When I got the kids, we talked about what a beautiful day it was, their weekend with their dad, ran a couple of "G" errands, and then it was on to whatever they wanted to do. First stop for them was Barnes & Noble. They love this store and the first thing BT noticed when we walked in the door was a Christmas sale table. He found a puppet, pondered a stuffed gingerbread man, and BK found a "punkin" left over from Halloween. Nothing we needed, but since it was 75% off, I gave in, again. We also purchased a balloon animal making kit and a polar bear for a school project on Friday. BT informed me he needed something that lives outside in the cold. As soon as he saw the polar bear, he knew that was it, although I am pretty sure I have purchased at least one polar bear previously and it is resting in the top of his closet.

BK was just along for the ride. She spent about 30 minutes in a chair in the kids' department listening to musical books and singing along. I think she may be a future candidate for American Idol.. She loves to sing. We stayed at B&N until they were ready to move on to something else... like ice cream, but unfortunately, the ice cream shop was not open at 10:35 A.M. on Monday morning. We then ran through the car wash, which they love to do, and then headed to McDonald's for a "nutritious" lunch of chicken nuggets, although I feel sure they were both more concerned about what chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks they would get with the lunch, and unfortunately, they were out of Alvin characters and gave them some super hero character that neither one could identify. Although they do not pay any attention to the previous Alvin character they obtained with their chicken nuggets on another day, not getting one today was a bit distressing for some reason.

We then headed to Gramere's for lunch with her, and then back home to practice our puppet show and balloon animal making skills. I always try to let the kids play by themselves some because I think this is when they are most creative, especially BT. BK on the other hand, test me with "let's see what I can get into while G is not looking." She is definitely her mother's child.

I cleaned off the deck and got ready to grill hamburgers for dinner. It was another great day with the grandkids...

How about them Saints!!!!