Just when everything seems to be going smoothly, without very many speed bumps, we hit a pot hole and bottom out. Our almost 14 year old Pomeranian, Dooley, died this past Saturday. We knew her days were numbered because she was in kidney failure, but meds seemed to keep her comfortable, and as long as she was in no pain, seemed content, ate and continued her bodily functions, all was well. But then, she started occasionally losing control of her bowels while she was sleeping, and it would not wake her up. And, she has always slept with us. And, the only time we have ever tried to make her sleep in the laundry room behind a kid gate, she got so distressed, we put her back in the bed with us. We had the bed completely protected from any accidents she might have, since we were willing to do anything to keep her with us for as long as possible, as long as she was in no pain, and seemed comfortable. Long story short, this past Saturday evening, she had a stroke, and was in obvious distress. She couldn't stand up, would not eat or drink, and we knew the time we had dreaded beyond words, had finally come. There was nothing to be done for her. We cried, said out good-byes and left her at the vet for the last time. We opted not to be present when she took her final breath. Needless to say this has been an extremely emotional week for me, and even more so for the hubby. When I tell you he ADORED this dog, I MEAN HE ADORED HER.. She was actually a gift to me on Mother's Day in 1997, but over time, he took to her like he has to no other pet. He definitely grieved over the loss of two other pets within the past year, but his distress over losing this pet has been brutal. I get sad watching him try to cope. My way of coping is staying busy. And that is why my house is so clean right now, all the laundry is done, again, and most every drawer and cabinet in the house is in tip-top shape. But enough about sad stuff.. and how clean my house is today...
Before all of the above happened last Saturday, we watched LSU beat Alabama in what turned out to be a very good game. We were not that optimistic about LSU winning, but they actually played well Saturday and with a trick play or two, managed to win and stay in the running for a potential National Championship... WooHOO!!!!!!
Bailey turns four next week! Her birthday party is this Saturday and she and four of her friends are going to the Pampered Princess and get manicures, and have their hair and makeup done. Unfortunately I will have to miss it due to another long ago previously scheduled commitment, but her mama swears she will take lots of pictures and post them on Facebook so I can at least see what is going on. I have never missed one of their parties, and this does not please me, but there is nothing I can do. I am making it up to her by buying "lots of presents" per her request.. She is truly her mother's child!
The guy is finally starting to work on our deck!!! WooHOO!! We have only been waiting on him for two months. I don't like messes AT ALL, and my backyard has been less than attractive waiting on him to get started. He says he will finish it by the end of next week and I can hardly wait!
My friend from Orange County California is arriving tonight and is spending a few days with us. Can't wait to see her again!
I am putting my Christmas decorations up next weekend! I like to get this done before the long Thanksgiving weekend so I can actually have 4 days off to do only what I want to do.. Yeah, Right! I have bought a few new things this year, and I bought a few things at the end of the season last year which will be a surprise since I can't remember any of it. The movers were shocked by all the Christmas decorations I have and asked that they be allowed to come see it all once I get it all up!!
And that is about all I got for now.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago