Friday, February 27, 2009


This has been a really long week, even though I was off a day and a half in the middle of the week. It has also been a very nice week weather wise. Temps have been in the high 60s and 70s all week, but we are expecting bad weather later today, and much cooler temps tomorrow.

Daughter is having a garage sale tomorrow. I encouraged this in the beginning because I had lots of c-r-a-p to get rid of and my neighborhood does not allow garage sales. I told her if she would have the sale at her house, she could have the money from my stuff. Now that we are down to the nitty-gritty, she did not put it in the paper because she did not want to spend 25.00 on a THREE DAY ad for the garage sale!!! She is relying on posting signs at strategic places, like on telephone poles (which I think is against the law) at busy intersections near where she lives. I personally think there is a flaw in this plan for many reasons, but since it will only affect her profits, I am leaving it alone. She will have no one to blame but herself, and what she doesn't sell will remain in her garage until she hauls it off.

The kids are with their dad this weekend. On the way to school this morning, Brandy stopped to put her signs out for her garage sale, and the only one that she tried to stick in the ground would not stay put. BT offered to ask his dad if BT could come to the "yard sale" and hold the sign for her since it would not stay in the ground. He is the absolute sweetest child ever!!! He also said he would just leave the sign in his mom's car just in case his dad didn't let him participate. Too Funnny! We are pretty sure his dad will say NO!

Daughter and I are going to happy hour somewhere when we leave our work places today. Happy Friday people!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Middle of the week..Yay!!!

Had to go with Man to have biopsy today.. I am believing for good news and he doesn't seem concerned at all, so no worries here.. I spent the day with him since he did take meds to make him chill out completely, and he wanted me to stay with him. I left him home only once, and that was to go to wally world and another quick errand, and came right back home. Piddled around the house all day long. I am just one of those people who can do that for hours on end.. I only sat for about 1 1/2 hours after getting home from the doctor's office.

It was a great day weather wise.. I could have worked in the yard endlessly if it were not too early to do so. As Felder Rushing would say.. don't plant now unless you can afford to "re-plant" the same things later. I don't want the stuff to die so I am trying to be patient. I love yard work, and I love sitting outside and enjoying the results of my hard work.

I was supposed to go to a birthday dinner for a friend and co-worker tonight, but Man preferred I not leave, so I didn't. I will take her to dinner another night when I am not needed at home.

I am sounding really dull, which is out of character (at least I believe it is out of character), so I will stop my ramblings.. Later!

Friday, February 20, 2009


I am really glad it is FINALLY Friday afternoon and the end of this week is in sight.. This week at work has been less than pleasant, and that is unusual for my job..

Therefore, in order to make myself feel less stressed, I am heading to happy hour at a very good mexican restaurant!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

25 years ago today...

I was on my way to my honeymoon destination.. This little country girl from a very small town in Louisiana was getting on an airplane and flying to Hawaii! It took 13 hours and we beat our luggage there.. That was a real BUMMER! We had nothing.. no toothbrush, no clean underwear, nothing.. until around noon the next day.. And no, we did not lay around naked waiting on the luggage. They provided bathrobes for us.. I didn't even own a bathrobe back then, so wearing one was a real treat... back then. Now it is expected of me..

We had a fabulous time in Hawaii, even though it was far more expensive than than I ever thought it would be. Hubby planned it all, so I was really clueless, and this was WAY before the internet was invented (by Al Gore) so there was no way to know in advance how much things, such as food, would cost. Lunch for 2 at Wendy's 25 years ago was $25.00!!! This was waaaayyyy before you could supersize your order! We each got a regular burger, medium fries and a regular drink and it was $25.00!!!! Thank goodness almost all of the restaurants posted their menus outside the restaurant so we didn't have to go inside to find out we could NOT afford to eat there.. That would have been really embarassing on many levels..

Anyway, we had a great time, got a great tan/sunburn in February, and actually wore our shorts home from Hawaii, which was not one of the best decisions we ever made.. On the way home we had to change planes in Salt Lake City, and it had snowed about 10 inches the night before we got there, and... we had to walk OUTSIDE to change planes.. We were the only people wearing shorts and flip-flops... all the way home. People were staring, and asking questions.. like "where you from" (as if where I was born played a part in anything) and "where did you get that tan(sunburn)"... But, back then I didn't know any better, and I smiled and proudly told them I had just got back from Hawaii.. They were so envious (not) they momentarily forgot how ridiculous we looked in shorts and flip-flops in February, when the highs were in the low 50s.. As my daughter would now say.. WHATEVER!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do I know my husband...?

I stole this from someone else's blog....

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? History channel or discovery channel.

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? French, if they have it. If not, Thousand Island.

3. What's one food he doesn't like? Food with tomato sauce.

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? Food: Fried Shrimp. Drink: Dr. Pepper.

5. Where did he go to high school? Mendenhall High School.

6. What size shoe does he wear? 10ish

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? He collects guns and sunglasses.

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Bacon and Egg Sandwich that I make.

9. What would this person eat every day if he could? Rock and Roll Stage Planks.

10. What is his favorite cereal? Honey Nut Cheerios.

11. What would he never wear? A tank top, or anything sleeveless.

12. What is his favorite sports team? LSU Football.

13. Who did he vote for? McCain.

14. Who is his best friend? Joe M.

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? He LOVES everything I do! :)

16. What is his heritage? Some Indian. Great grandmother was a cherokee indian.

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? Chocolate with white icing.

18. Did he play sports in high school? Yep.. he played football.

19. What could he spend hours doing? Watching TV.. seriously..

20. What is one unique talent he has? I can't think of one.. Sorry honey..

I can actually read his mind.. and he knows it... :o~

"Fwuit chews"

The daughter and grandkids came over last night to eat dinner with us. BT had to have "starting school" shots and he was a little anal about anyone getting near the top half of his arms, which I totally understand. Apparently the visit to the doctor was very stressful for him, and he asked that Man pick him up from daycare early, which Man did do. BT was pleased to run errands with Man the rest of the afternoon. BK was her usual self when she arrived. My way or the highway people! She asked for a dub-a-dub as soon as she walked in the door. For those of you who are unfamiliar with dub-a-dubs, this is what she calls popsicles! No one knows why, or even how she came up with this nickname for popsicles, but if you say popsicle, she promptly says dub-a-dub! So, instead of us teaching her the correct terminology for this frozen treat, which she refuses to learn anyway, we ALL refer to them as dub-a-dubs, even her 5 year old brother who has known what to call them since he was 14 months old. When we try to teach her the correct terminology for the popsicles, by sounding it out... "pop" and then "sicle"..., she just looks at us like WE have a problem and says "dub-a-dub." And as soon as she finished her dub-a-dub, she wanted a snack.. fwuit chews.. she swallows them whole.. I keep waiting for one to exit in its original form, but so far, it hasn't happened.

She also loves "Tet-corn"... and "Ceaseel"... Sometimes I have to get her brother to interpret for me. He understands everything she says perfectly.. But I am getting better..

Monday, February 16, 2009

My daughter introduced me to the blog world last summer, and has since made fun of me on numerous ocassions for reading other people's blogs. I know more about what is going on with her friends than she does. Sooooo, after reading too many blogs to name, on a daily basis, I decided I might, possibly have something to say that others might be interested in, or at least I choose to believe others would be interested in my ramblings, and if not, this place will serve as a place for me to store stories of my life, and the lives of my daughter and my grandchildren.

I have read some blogs where people "tell all," and even though I am known as a "talker" for sure, I may not give up too much information in the beginning just because I don't know what qualifies as too much information and what doesn't. So, to get things started, I will tell you I have a daughter whom I will call "BS." She was very appropriately given this nickname many years ago when she was about 12 by her softball coach. His daughter shared the same first name as my daughter, so he decided to use the initials of each girl so there would be no case of mistaken identity when one or the other screwed up on the softball field. After all these years, the name has stuck with her, and I might even add that it still applies at times. (I love you honey!!). My grandson will be referred to as BT and my granddaughter will be referred to as BK, and yes, she does love that place.

As of tomorrow I will be married for 25 years!!! Unbelievable.. I am sure he would agree with me on that one.. There were times when we didn't think we would make it this far, but we hung in there, and after all this time, I think I have him straightened out, and if not straightened out, at least not as set in his own ways as he once was. He has mellowed with age. Ain't that right honey!? Yeah.. I knew you would agree. ;0~

Since I am at work while sending out this unsolicited personal information into the blog world, I might better get back to work, and actually, uh, work.. This blogging thing might turn out to be fun.. At least I will have notes to refer back to in the unlikely event I forget something.