Our New Year got off to a great start.. We had our first New Year's Eve party ever, in almost 27 years of marriage!!! And for the 3 people that read this and know my husband, that was a huge accomplishment! And, it was a total, complete HIT!!! I kept the food preparations low key. I did most of the work, with some help from Brandy on the day of the party. I asked a few people to bring an appetizer of some kind, and it was BYOB, so it was not expensive either. The menu consisted of BBQ meatballs, deer wraps, pigs in the blanket, tenderloin and various other finger foods. We ate well, drank well, and some of us played quarters, and some of us watched. That was a treat all by itself. My boss even got in on the action and thoroughly enjoyed himself. Not sure who had more fun, him or my daughter.
I don't think I mentioned the guest of honor at our party.. None other than our friend from Orange County. She came and stayed for a long weekend. She took us to dinner the night before the party at Mint, and on New Year's Day, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and watched State beat Michigan. And, just for the record, I am not a fan of either of these teams since I am an LSU fan, but I did pull for the SEC, which meant I was pulling for State. Sunday we watched some Saints football and then went out for pizza. Our friend left on Monday, and we are all looking forward to the next time we get to hang out, which will hopefully be when they air the season finale of HWOC...
Since the first of the year, I have been in the cleaning mode, almost every single day. I have reorganized cabinets, drawers, some closets (not mine), etc. I have cleaned doors inside and out, cleaned windows inside and out, and am anxious to get outside this weekend and remove the dead plants from all pots that sit on the porch and back deck area, all of which were killed by the FREEZING COLD WINDS, we have had in the past few days. We actually had some snow flurries this past Sunday, along with a good bit of sleet, and that was good enough for a snow day on Monday.. Schools were closed, and I decided I didn't want to drive on potentially icy roads, so I didn't work and the grands and I stayed home all day and had an absolutely wonderful day at G's house. Just the three of us.
I am just about ready for spring and am definitely ready for some crawfish. Places in these parts are already selling crawfish, but I am sure they are pretty small. I am thinking about buying some in the next day or so just so I can see how big they are.
I have a few projects on my agenda this weekend, which include painting at least one piece of furniture, and possibly two, if time allows. Since the Saints are out of Super Bowl contention, I should be able to get more done this weekend, than I usually do during football season. It is supposed to be warmer this weekend as well and I am definitely looking forward to that. I do love cold weather, especially since I have this "internal heater" thing going on, but I don't love cold weather like we have been having.
Happy New Year...
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago