Since we moved into our house a couple of years ago, a new neighborhood pool has been built. It is probably the most beautiful neighborhood pool in our area. The bad thing about it is the number of people who completely ignore the pool rules. Such as no glass containers, no pets, no unsupervised children under 18, no smoking, and swim diapers are required, to name a few. All the rules are posted in an area visible to everyone. And, then there are other signs, strategically placed, telling parents and children to stay out of flower beds and off of the frog fountains, and signs advising that a certain area of the pool is designated for adults ONLY. No one under the age of 18 is allowed up there, and the signs make this clear. So far, every rule has been broken numerous times, and when people are told they are breaking the rules, they act like the rules do not apply to them. Guess what people??? They apply to everyone, and if you bring a guest to the pool, it is your job to make your guest aware of the pool rules, and make sure they obey them. No glass containers should be a no-brainer. Drinking out of glass containers while sitting at a pool puts everyone at risk if you drop the container. I was not even aware you could still buy glass baby bottles, but a couple gave their 2 year old a glass baby bottle at the pool, and he promptly walked into the water and threw it down in an area where the water is only a couple of inches deep, and it broke... into many pieces. I watched this happen. The same people also had a regular diaper on the child.. not a swim diaper. I have personally told numerous kids to get out of the adult area. It is actually a small shallow pool, on a deck above the big pool area, and we can sit chairs in the water, NO ONE UNDER 18 IS SUPPOSED TO BE UP THERE! But there are always parents who bring their kids to the pool, and completely ingore them, unless they are bleeding. I have no problem telling them in a nice way to leave the adult area, and I am okay with the glares I receive from parents when I do this. I don't allow my grandkids to play up there either, so there are no exceptions in my book. And, that is my rant for the day! Happy Thursday!