Thursday, February 18, 2010


Twenty-six years ago today, I was boarding a jet plane, for only the second time EVER in my life, and flying all the way to HAWAII!!! Longest plane ride EVER!!! Oh, and we got married 26 years ago yesterday... That was a special event too. It took 13 hours from the time we left New Orleans until we arrived in Hawaii.. I actually thought once we got to San Francisco, we were only about 30 minutes from Hawaii... Not!!! But, we had a great time. We were not prepared for how much everything costs, but we had fun nonetheless. And, I still like Florida beaches best! And, I don't have to get on a plane to get to a Florida beach... unless I just want too, and I don't.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow was awesome!!!

Short, blind snowman I built...

The lake at the end of my road.

Standing in front of my house looking toward the lake.

Standing in the street in front of my house. It was absolutely beautiful.. and it took it two days to melt. It was the largest amount of snow to fall in this area in 50 years.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Winter Weather Warning!!!!!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!! They are predicting 3 to 5 inches of snow and sleet and here in central Mississippi, and that is enough to bring everything to a halt!!! Snow Day on a Friday!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I stayed with the grands last night while Daughter went to class. We went to Wendy's and got each a kid meal (not because they were hungry but because they wanted to see what the toy was this week), and then went home and ordered pizza a/k/a cheese sticks, cut in rectangles, from Papa John's, because everyone knows rectangle cheese sticks taste much better triangle cheese sticks. You really have no idea.. We played with birthday presents that had not even been opened yet, read books, watched too much Sponge Bob for me, and FINALLY, they realized they were bored and needed something else to do. Benton went to his room, dug through the mountain of un-used and some un-opened toys, and came back with a $5.00 lantern I had purchased for him at WalMart last year. He asked me to replace the batteries, and I did and it worked.. Bailey disappeared, went to her room, and came back with a similar lantern I had purchased for her, asked me to change the batteries, which i did, and it worked too. The biggest miracle in all of this is that Daughter had batteries to accommodate their needs. They wanted to know where they could go to use the lanterns, that was dark, and I suggested they put their coats on and go into the garage.. They did and believe it or not, they were amused for quite some time, or until their toes got numb from the cold. Then they came in, got baths, put on PJs, and played in the dark laundry room until almost bedtime.. And, I got to watch something on TV other than a walking, screaming, very annoying sponge.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So.. we are taking turns...

Last night right as we were getting in the bed for the night, my husband proceeded to tell me how tired he was (after taking an almost 2 hour nap after he got home from work) and he wanted to know if it was MY TURN to get up with the two new puppies during the night if they barked and needed to go out. So, I said, "IF we are going to start taking turns doing things around here, I will gladly get up with the dogs tonight honey, since he did get up with them the night before, and you can do E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G that I normally do when I get home from work starting tomorrow!!!! He said that didn't sound fair since he knew how much I enjoyed doing E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G around here. And, he then offered to check and make sure an umbrella was by the front door in case the dogs did need to go out, IN THE RAIN. So, when it was my turn to get up and let the dogs out if they barked... they didn't wake up until after the alarm went off, and that was a good thing. Today I get to go home and take a nap... because it is "my turn".. YEAH...RIGHT!!!

First time for everything... I guess...

Last night I was busy at home, as usual, and in the process of putting dinner together Man a/k/a hubby, used the last paper towel on the roll, then asked, "Where do you keep the paper towels?" REALLY???? We have been married for almost 26 years, and lived in this house for almost 11 years, and he has NO IDEA WHERE WE KEEP THE PAPER TOWELS!!! And, when I brought this to his attention, he didn't know what the big deal was.. It is his opinion he didn't really need this information as long as I know where everything is. Apparently that system has worked for him for this long, and he sees no reason to change it after all this time..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Happy 6th Birthday BT!!! I could not love you any more if I had given birth to you myself!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Breathing new life into our hearts...

Dooley - almost 13 years old and still going strong. She is not sure what to think about these two punks we brought into her world. She is the sweetest dog ever and we love her dearly. She has certainly wondered what happened to Boo and Taz, and still looks for Taz in all the places Taz spent so much time. It has been hard to watch her these past few weeks, but hopefully we are helping to fill the void left by the loss of her two dear friends.

Tuxdeo a/k/a Tux - 4 pounds of nothing but personality.. 4 months old. We thought he would cry and fuss once he brought him to his new home Saturday, but he fits right in. He follows me around wherever I go and loves to play outside. I am not sure he had ever been outside before we got him. The breeder we bought him from lives in Alabama and has a room completely dedicated to raising dogs, and they all had play areas inside and were trained to potty on a pad. It was hard to pick one, but his personality stood out from the rest. He is a perfect fit in our family.

Coco - 2 pounds of pure joy! Eight months old and loves to cuddle, but can certainly stand up to bigger dogs if she needs too.. and they do back off. She has lost her puppy hair and is in the beginning stages of getting her coat again. She is very tiny. We got her from a breeder in California and she was worried about her flying into a colder climate, so she made her a sweater out of an old sock. We have tried to find her a dog sweater, but even an x-small is way too big for her. So, I bought her some pretty socks so we could at least make her look stylish.

We are still coping with the loss of Taz and Boo, but these two new additions to our family are helping a lot. And, one more is on the way. She is flying in from Michigan and the temp has to be above 10 degrees before she can be shipped and that has not happened in several days. This week is looking better. She is five years old and a recently retired show dog. I am sad about her leaving her family of five years, but am really looking forward to having a friend for Dooley that is not a puppy. Her name is Dream and we are leaving it at that. Pictures coming soon!