I picked up the grands from daycare Friday afternoon and immediately noticed Bailey was not happy about something. I asked her what was wrong and she indignantly replied that Miss Tiffany had called her a "Rama Keen!" I asked her why had she been called a "Rama Keen" and she said because some boy had thrown or kicked a ball which had hit her in the face, and caused her to cry. I asked her if it hurt, or just made her mad, and she was adamant there was pain involved. When Benton saw her, she puffed up again, and told him all about it as well. Lucky for us, he had seen the entire ordeal, and believed she had been hurt, and advised his sister to let the offending party, who kicked/threw the ball, know that her brother was going to be watching in the future to make sure he didn't hurt his sister again. Of course, Bailey was more offended at being called a "Rama Keen" than being hit by the ball, and asked Benton if he could tell Miss Tiffany not to call her that again. Benton advised Bailey to tell Miss Tiffany, in a nice way of course, that calling people names was just not nice. Since Bailey has the memory of an elephant regarding such things, I told them both that this was something their mama should handle and they agreed. A few minutes later Bailey asked me if she had school the next day and I told her the next day was Saturday, and there would be no school. She asked me if her mama could call Miss Tiffany on Saturday and tell her not to call her a "Rama Keen" again, and I told her her mama would handle that on Monday.
Shortly after she got up yesterday morning, she reminded her mama to talk to Miss Tiffany and tell her not to be calling her a "Rama Keen" anymore. Can't wait to see her this afternoon and find out if the "Rama Keen" message has been adequately delivered to suit Bailey's criteria. She might be a "Rama Keen," but she doesn't want it brought to anyone's attention. Wonder where she gets all the "Rama" from...
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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