Monday was a school holiday for BT and for some reason the daycare followed suit and closed as well. I thought this was strange as it would appear that parents who depend on daycare would be put in a bind and either have to to take off work, or find someone to keep their children when daycare chooses to follow the school's schedule. I thought that was the purpose of daycare, to keep kids when parents are working!!! It just doesn't make much sense to me. But, anyway, I took off work and kept the kids so Daughter would not have to.
When I got the kids, we talked about what a beautiful day it was, their weekend with their dad, ran a couple of "G" errands, and then it was on to whatever they wanted to do. First stop for them was Barnes & Noble. They love this store and the first thing BT noticed when we walked in the door was a Christmas sale table. He found a puppet, pondered a stuffed gingerbread man, and BK found a "punkin" left over from Halloween. Nothing we needed, but since it was 75% off, I gave in, again. We also purchased a balloon animal making kit and a polar bear for a school project on Friday. BT informed me he needed something that lives outside in the cold. As soon as he saw the polar bear, he knew that was it, although I am pretty sure I have purchased at least one polar bear previously and it is resting in the top of his closet.
BK was just along for the ride. She spent about 30 minutes in a chair in the kids' department listening to musical books and singing along. I think she may be a future candidate for American Idol.. She loves to sing. We stayed at B&N until they were ready to move on to something else... like ice cream, but unfortunately, the ice cream shop was not open at 10:35 A.M. on Monday morning. We then ran through the car wash, which they love to do, and then headed to McDonald's for a "nutritious" lunch of chicken nuggets, although I feel sure they were both more concerned about what chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks they would get with the lunch, and unfortunately, they were out of Alvin characters and gave them some super hero character that neither one could identify. Although they do not pay any attention to the previous Alvin character they obtained with their chicken nuggets on another day, not getting one today was a bit distressing for some reason.
We then headed to Gramere's for lunch with her, and then back home to practice our puppet show and balloon animal making skills. I always try to let the kids play by themselves some because I think this is when they are most creative, especially BT. BK on the other hand, test me with "let's see what I can get into while G is not looking." She is definitely her mother's child.
I cleaned off the deck and got ready to grill hamburgers for dinner. It was another great day with the grandkids...
How about them Saints!!!!
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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