Our little black Pom, Taz, is not doing too well, again. The vet says he will be surprised if she makes it another month, and although he didn't say it, I could tell he thinks we should put her down. Having had to do this less than two months ago with Boo, I get extremely upset even thinking about putting another one of our pets down. These three dogs have been part of my life for many years, and the house seems a lot less full with one gone, and I can't imagine what it will be like when Taz is gone. She is the one I always said I would miss the most since she has always been my constant companion. Wherever I am, she wants to be there.. even now when she can't walk and has to be carried from one location to another. Whatever room I am in, we make sure she is where she can see me at all times. If not, she gets distressed and starts fussing. It is actually funny to watch, because as soon as I stick my head around the corner where she can see me, she will hush.
She is steadily losing weight, and she has always been a great eater, but not so much anymore. Last night was a rough night. She had a very upset stomach and this is not a good situation when you can't walk. She finally settled down and seemed to rest about 3:30 this morning after being up since midnight. She would not eat this morning, and drank very little. I don't even like thinking about what the weekend will mean for her. At some point, we have to say enough is enough. We have spent over three thousand dollars trying to get her healthy, and nothing is working. I would gladly spend three thousand more if I could see any sign that she is improving, but I haven't, and at some point we have to decide if we just are just keeping her alive because we don't want to be without her. If she has lived out her days on this earth, and it is her time to go, then I want to do what is best for her, and let her go. Actually walking in the vet's office and telling him we believe it is time is what is going to suck. Especially for my husband.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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