I think I can find something to do at home, at any time of the day or night. I am forever moving from one room to another looking for projects. Or, if I do sit down to watch TV, I think of at least 5 other things I could be doing, and sometimes just get up and start doing them.
I did take off work this past Friday for a "ME" day.. Unfortunately, it is never completely a ME day because if my husband knows I am off, he plans stuff like getting his car serviced, or detailed, and then needs a ride home, or somewhere else, and it doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing. He still wants a ride because he would rather be home watching TV than at Gateway Tire watching their TV with the same exact shows. Does it really matter where you watch TV? And, just to be clear, when I say a ME day, which happens about once every 4 months, I am still running errands that benefit my husband, and other family members, but I am doing it at my own pace, and not in the usual running-around-like-a-chicken-with-my-head-cut-off pace on my lunch hour. Just to be clear! And, there are times I tell NO ONE I am taking off.. I will actually get dressed, go to work, and when the coast is clear, take off and do my own thing.
Daughter and I were still in the midst of pedicures and I was getting my nails done when my husband called, twice, to check on my whereabouts. He actually had another ride lined up, but didn't want to watch TV for 30 minutes somewhere other than home until that person could come get him. So, off I go, and there is an hour of ME time that I will never see again. So, I have a Michelob Ultra, earlier than planned, and adjust my attitude. Anyway, I get to do a couple of things I want to do, find a couple of things I really wasn't looking for, which was a pleasant surprise, and then we head to get the grandest kids of all from daycare. Benton simply wanted to go home. Bailey wanted to go to my house. Benton loves being at home and Bailey loves being anywhere but home. So, we went to their house, and hung out for a while before I headed home for the evening.
Saturday morning I was awake at 3:00 A.M. and after much tossing and turning, got up at 4:30, read the paper and decided to make my Walmart run while everyone else in the Metro area was sleeping. I saw three other customers. I love going to Walmart early in the morning. I can go with a ball cap and no makeup. When I got home, I started cleaning the house since someone was coming to see it at 11:30. I ran some more errands in the afternoon and then took a nap. That was about the extent of my Saturday, other than continued miscellaneous cleaning and organizing.
Sunday morning I was up bright and early to enjoy the Daylight Savings Time and decided to clean the windows, and they are now so clean, it almost looks like there are no windows.. I also did a lot of laundry, and washed other things that needed to be washed. For there to be only two of us, I sure do a LOT of laundry.
We briefly rode around and looked for houses, but I do believe this is one of my LEAST favorite things to do. My husband loves going in and out of houses, but I do NOT like it at all. My philosophy is we now know the area we live in very well. When our house sells, we can easily pull up available houses we like, in the areas we like, on the internet and have a realtor take us around for tours. Until then, I just don't want to ride around and gawk at available houses. NOT FUN!!!! I would MUCH rather be sitting on the deck at Philip's eating crab nachos and drinking a Michelob Ultra.
And That, was my weekend. If you are interested..
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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