This weekend was a busy one. Friday night I had dinner with friends to celebrate a birthday. Not my birthday, a friend's birthday. I don't want anyone to think they missed MY birthday!!! LOL! We had dinner at Walker's and it was beyond fabulous! I had grilled shrimp and grits... There are no words.....
I stayed up really late, at least me for me it was really late, and it was hard to get out of bed the next morning, but four doggies' need to go outside, in the cold, at 5:45 A.M. was urgent, and the racket they were making would not allow me to sleep anyway. Hubby, yes.. Me, no.... So, I got up and tended to them, read the paper, and proceeded with some cleaning projects, laundry, plucking my eyebrows, shopping for new throw pillows for my sofa, a brief nap, more cleaning and straightening, etc.
And, Sunday was not much different, except I was in a mood to get rid of stuff. After 26 years of marriage, and a husband who is a serious pack rat, you can only imagine the amount of stuff we accumulated over the years. He hates to get rid of anything, even clothes that he will NEVER wear again. He cleaned out his closet SEVERAL years ago and made me keep about 30 pairs of pants he wanted to "save" for some reason. Reality is, he was never going to wear those pants again, even if they did fit. They were past their prime, but he wanted me to keep them and I did, for almost seven years. I put them in a plastic container and kept them in the closet upstairs until recently and then I hauled them to Goodwill, without further discussion. He has not asked about them in seven years, and since just yesterday he asked me when Valentine's Day was (I am serious!), I am pretty sure he has finally forgotten about the plastic container of pants. We also still have his scuba suit he wore the last time he went scuba diving in 1982 and I think it is safe to say, he isn't going to wear it again. And, even if he could still wear it, can you imagine what would happen to it after 28 years, if he were to try it on. I would imagine it would just create a cloud of dust as it disintegrated right before our eyes. We also have a framed picture of his Doberman named Smokey, that was taken by Olan Mills Studios in 1981. I can understand keeping the picture, but lets get rid of the frame. It will not be gracing our walls, or tables, ever, and it is broken. But, he wants to keep it. He also likes to keep boxes that stuff came in. We bought a really nice TV about 3 years go, and he made me keep the VERY LARGE box it came in just in case we had to send it back.. My question is, "send it back where?" If something happened to it, we would put it in my truck and drive 5 miles to where we bought it and let them deal with it. I did throw that box away one weekend while he was gone. He brings large "really good" boxes home from the office "in case we ever move." Really??? He can't help prepare for a meal he wants to eat at 5:30 P.M., but he can prepare for a move that doesn't exist yet???? I have a lot of Christmas stuff, but that doesn't count as stuff that will NEVER be used again. I use that stuff every year, and if I don't use something, or replace it with something I found on sale, I get rid of the old stuff.
Anyway, I cleaned out the freezer, the Tupperware look-a-like bin and got rid of all lids that did not fit anything, and it was all very liberating. I am sure my garbage men loved me today! Needless to say, I was asleep on the couch by 8:15 last night. I went to bed tired and woke up tired. But, I feel better mentally because I got rid of some useless stuff.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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