Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homecoming memories...

This time of year always reminds of Homecoming. Not sure why, since I was NEVER in the Homecoming Court, nor was I allowed to go to any of the football games, with the exception of one time in 1974, and for which I had to beg, plead and cry for two weeks in order to get to attend the Homecoming game in 1974. I was in the 10th grade and for whatever reason, this was the game I was willing to do whatever it took to go. Of course doing whatever it took is a little extreme since I had no car, or other means of transportation with the exception of the two legs God gave me, and in order to use my legs, I would have had to walk past my mother to get to the door, and that wasn't happening. But, I did beg, beg, beg, and my mother finally agreed to not only let me go to the game, she agreed to let me spend the night with a friend and go to the game with her, her sister and her sister's boyfriend. This was a huge step for me because I had never been in the same vehicle with anyone of the opposite sex that was not related to me. No, I was NOT dating in the 10th grade, and yes, that is kind of old to have never been on a date. My mother didn't allow dating, and rarely allowed anyone of the opposite sex in the door that might want to see me. But, getting back to Homecoming, I FINALLY talked my mother into letting me go, and letting me spend the night with someone. I swore I would follow her rules, and I did, because I knew any slight deviation from the rules would result in a minimum six weeks of being grounded, which meant no phone calls, no friends, no nothing except school and Church for 6 weeks. It was also known as "pure hell."

My friends and I went to the game, and since it was homecoming, there were floats, and the tradition after the game was to head to the field behind Bussey Brake Reservoir and burn the floats... Yep, we had a huge bonfire and burned everything that we spent weeks laboring over and it was called fun! And yes, I even had my mother's permission to attend the float burning which was also HUGE for me. After we had made sure everything was burned beyond recognition and the fires were out, we started heading back to the car. Keep in mind it was as VERY dark out in that field, and without headlights, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. Therefore, IT WAS DARK! As we were walking back to the vehicle, I saw one of the trucks coming down the dirt path and stepped out of the path to let the truck by. What I didn't see was the trailer still attached to the truck, which previously carried the contents of one of the floats, and once the truck passed, I immediately stepped back out in the dirt road and that's when the trailer knocked me down and proceeded to run over me. Yep, I was being run over by a trailer. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, and I remember thinking "please don't let it run over my face because I don't want to be any less attractive than I already am." (I was not allowed to wear makeup and I was not very purdy). Someone alerted the driver that he needed to stop, and he did and the trailer wheel was parked on my chest, touching my chin. I couldn't move. The driver backed the trailer back off of me, and I got up. I was not really hurt with the exception of some scrapes and pretty bad bruises on my leg. After determining medical attention was not needed, and assuring the driver of the truck I was not mad at him, we all left and went home. The next day when my mom picked me up, I did not tell her what happened, because I was sure she would blame me for the incident and ground me because that is what she did if she felt you deviated from the rules. And remember, when she grounded you, it was for a minimum of six weeks. ALWAYS! So, I hobbled around the remainder of the weekend and headed back to school Monday, where for once everyone was interested in how I was doing.

That afternoon when my mother picked me up from school, she asked me if there was anything I wanted to tell her. I knew at that moment she knew, although to this day she will not tell me who told her. And, for not telling her about getting run over by a trailer after homecoming in 1974, she grounded me... and yes, it was for six weeks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funny stuff said at the Family Reunion...

I have a cousin named, "BUBBA"... Yes, I know that is a shocker. Bubba is about 23, pretty cute and pretty quiet. The following was a conversation between Bubba and my niece Ashley.

Ashley: Bubba, you got a girlfriend?

Bubba: Not really.

Ashley: You got a boyfriend?

Bubba: It would probably be less trouble if I did...

Now that was funny stuff.. I don't care who you are!!!

More random stuff about me that nobody cares about!!

1. Do you do garage sales?

Yes, occasionally. And, I have helped my daughter give 2 garage sales, did most of the work, and gave her ALL the money.. And, we sold mostly my stuff..

2. Name the last thing you fixed?

I fixed a salad for dinner last night.. :)

3. Name your A) favorite item of makeup or B) your favorite tool.

Favorite makeup item is lip gloss from Ulta and my favorite tool is..... a hammer.. Yep, a hammer..

4. Which room in your home needs organizing more than any other?

I need to work on our home office.. again.. not that I think it will do any good since Hubby spends the greatest amount of time in there and HE is the reason it is a mess.. Fortunately no one ever sees it. Except me..

5. Which room could use re-decorating?

My bedroom. I have great stuff in there, but it NEEDS something, and I don't know what it is..

6. Share something unique about your town.

The Natchez Trace runs through our town and you can hop on there, day or night, and see wild turkey, deer, and other random animals. FYI... NEVER speed on the Trace.. trust me on this one..

7. If you could send a one sentence message to your great grandchild what would it be?

Hopefully I will live long enough to see my great-grandchildren, but I would tell them to love Jesus with all your heart, and be a giver, not a taker.

8. Do you facebook?

I do.. and I love it. Haven't been on there as often lately, but still love it.

9. Describe your favorite shoes.

My favorite shoes are a pair of Luchese cowboy boots I bought last year.. They were pricey, but worth every dime! I wear them a lot!

10. Do you listen to more talk radio or more music radio? What kind of station is it?

I HATE, HATE, HATE talk radio! Hubby LOVES, LOVES, LOVES talk radio!!! I don't get it, and don't want to get it.. I love listening to music, especially country music.

11. How far would you travel for a really good favorite meal?

Well, unfortunately, I don't particularly love traveling, so I would have to say, NOT FAR!!! We have lots of great restaurants around here, and I am good with any of those.

Now, wasn't that useful information!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Family Reunion

We had our annual family reunion this past weekend (mom's side of the family) and we had a great time. There were about 70 people there, and we were about 40 short. Even though my awesome cousins Nikki and her mom, Bobby, gave everyone plenty of notice, some of this particular bunch just choose not to come, and I cannot imagine why not. I love these events. I especially love it that we now have them at a State Park near my hometown, and this eliminates a lot of the work in trying to get someone's home ready. They kept the food simple, i.e, BBQ chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, green beans and bread. Each family brought a dessert to share and drinks for their family, and it worked out great. There was very little food left over and that meant very little was wasted.

My mom's 3 oldest sisters were there, and they are 80, 82 and 84... I think. I know my grandmother had 12 children and they were all pretty much 2 years apart. That means she was pregnant off and on for TWENTY FIVE YEARS!!!! Actually, I think she had a couple of miscarriages along the way and was possibly pregnant even longer. Can you imagine!!!!!? I had one and that was PLENTY!

Even though 2 siblings didn't show up for unacceptable reasons, my mom included, and two have died, everyone had a great time, and it was really great to see everyone. Even though the oldest person there was 84, the youngest was a toddler. One thing about those Sanders' offspring, they do continue to reproduce at alarming rates, and we get to meet someone new every. single. year. Can't wait until next year!!!

And, on an even happier note, Daughter and I got in a little shopping for LSU attire before the reunion, and felt like we had won the lottery with all that we found!!!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things I love....

Things I love....

1. Benton and Bailey right after a bath.. (actually I love them all the time, but
there is just something about freshly bathed children...)

2. Sleeping on clean sheets...

3. The smell of fresh cut grass..

4. The smell of rain on a hot summer day..

5. The smell of a roast in the oven or crockpot..

6. The smell of fresh coffee.. I don't drink coffee, but I do like the smell of it
when it is first made.

7. The smell of clorox... It makes me think everything is clean..

8. The smell of a new vehicle with leather seats...

9. The smell of homemade buttermilk buscuits baking...(THIS NEVER HAPPENS AT MY
HOUSE... just saying..)

10. And last, but not least.. the first sip of MU!!! Just saying, again!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend, and another weekend too...

Long time no write anything... I should have written about her lake trip right after we went so I could remember all the details. Of course, some of the details are slightly foggy due to lack of rest from sleeping with either an almost 4 year old, or a 6 year old, both of whom are very bad bed partners. The rest of the details are foggy from possibly drinking one too many MUs... But, I do remember having a great time, and hope the party moves to my house next year. It was the first (and hopefully not the last) JUGS weekend, even though men were there, and small children. We were well fed, and well entertained throughout the weekend...Thanks to all the girls who made it fun for all of us...

Labor Day weekend started off with me recovering from a bad sore throat and sinus infection, which actually caused me to seek medical attention so as not to ruin my long weekend... I missed two days of work, which I rarely do due to illness. I am NEVER sick, but when I do get sick, it is usually B-A-D!!! By Friday I was pretty sure I was going to live and was even able to keep Bailey Friday night through Monday afternoon, and kept Benton from Saturday afternoon through Monday evening. And yes, their mom was around during this time as well, except for Monday when she had to work. We had a great time playing, painting, talking, watching football, cooking, eating, and yes, drinking MUs..

Watching LSU was pretty painful, even though they won. The defense was NOT on at all. I would say the offense played decent, at best. NOT a good way to start a season for sure..

My boss has just requested that I do some actual work while I am at work, so therefore, I will go back to work...