I was on my way to my honeymoon destination.. This little country girl from a very small town in Louisiana was getting on an airplane and flying to Hawaii! It took 13 hours and we beat our luggage there.. That was a real BUMMER! We had nothing.. no toothbrush, no clean underwear, nothing.. until around noon the next day.. And no, we did not lay around naked waiting on the luggage. They provided bathrobes for us.. I didn't even own a bathrobe back then, so wearing one was a real treat... back then. Now it is expected of me..
We had a fabulous time in Hawaii, even though it was far more expensive than than I ever thought it would be. Hubby planned it all, so I was really clueless, and this was WAY before the internet was invented (by Al Gore) so there was no way to know in advance how much things, such as food, would cost. Lunch for 2 at Wendy's 25 years ago was $25.00!!! This was waaaayyyy before you could supersize your order! We each got a regular burger, medium fries and a regular drink and it was $25.00!!!! Thank goodness almost all of the restaurants posted their menus outside the restaurant so we didn't have to go inside to find out we could NOT afford to eat there.. That would have been really embarassing on many levels..
Anyway, we had a great time, got a great tan/sunburn in February, and actually wore our shorts home from Hawaii, which was not one of the best decisions we ever made.. On the way home we had to change planes in Salt Lake City, and it had snowed about 10 inches the night before we got there, and... we had to walk OUTSIDE to change planes.. We were the only people wearing shorts and flip-flops... all the way home. People were staring, and asking questions.. like "where you from" (as if where I was born played a part in anything) and "where did you get that tan(sunburn)"... But, back then I didn't know any better, and I smiled and proudly told them I had just got back from Hawaii.. They were so envious (not) they momentarily forgot how ridiculous we looked in shorts and flip-flops in February, when the highs were in the low 50s.. As my daughter would now say.. WHATEVER!!!!
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
2 days ago
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