They are finally back after another week with their dad. They have one more week they have to go stay with him this summer, and I don't know if BT will be able to handle it. He loves being at his home. He simply does not consider his dad's house home, and I don't know that he ever will. Home to him is where his mama is.
I picked them from daycare yesterday since Daughter had to work the late shift. We ordered pizza and watched Sponge Bob.. As soon as their mother pulled up in the driveway, BT was ready to go to his house. He asked me if this hurt my feelings.. (can you imagine a 5 year old boy being concerned about someone's feelings?).. I told him it absolutely did not hurt my feelings. I totally understood him wanting to be home, with his stuff, his bed, his movies, etc. But, just in case I had not seen enough of them yet, and I had not, BK asked me if I was coming to her house, and I said yes.
They really celebrated being home by having a concert. Life is good.
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