Our weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Thursday night we decorated the kids' "vehicles" for their neighborhood parade on Saturday morning. The kids spent the night with me since Daughter had to work part of the day on Friday. The kids and I went to the pool and hung out for about 3 hours and then Daughter joined us. Later we went to the Balloon Glow which featured the Carlton Show Band and Diamond Rio and both were awesome.
Saturday morning we did the parade in Daughter's neighborhood. BK's wagon, with tons of red, white and blue balloons won a prize, which she shared with her brother since he was a little put out he didn't win a prize for his ride. But, he did win a big bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies in the cakewalk and that more than made up for not winning in the ride division.
We then headed to my house for lots of food and hanging out with family. It was late when everyone left and I was one tired G.
Sunday, Man and I went to a restaurant on the rez and listened to the Carlton Show Band, again, and they were very good.
And, I don't think I have ever sweated as much as I did this past weekend! Everything we did was outside and it was like being in an oven. And, I lost 4 pounds from the all the walking and sweating!
Sunday the kids went with their mom to her friend's house to swim and cook out and they stayed there all day. They are back with their dad this week, and I am missing them terribly. Again.
I am trying to use this week to get some things done around my house. A long time friend is coming to spend a few days with me next week/weekend and I am using her as my incentive to start/finish a few home projects. I am a one man show when it comes to home projects as Man is NOT a handy man nor does he like home projects. He likes for me to do them, but he prefers I do them when he is not home, and have the mess cleaned up before he comes home. That is how we roll.. and it works for us. And, his lack of participation means he has very little say-so in my choices or the process, and that works very well for me.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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