My weekend started about 3:45 Thursday afternoon.
The grandkids spent the night with me Thursday night since school/daycare was out/closed Friday. By 7:30 Friday morning, we were all dressed and on our way to Sonic for breakfast. From there we went to Walmart, where Benton spent approximately 25 minutes picking out an Easter basket. And, he didn't want one with cars, or soccer balls or baseballs. He ultimately decided on the $1.00 blue plastic bucket. Then, we had to find stuff to put in the bucket. We came up with 2 plastic snakes, a tablet, some pens and bubbles. Bailey took about 1.2 seconds to pick out an Ariel doll that she could play with in the tub. By the time I got what I needed from Walmart, and the stuff we didn't need, we had been in there for 2 hours!!! We went home to unload our bags, and then headed to Renaissance for some pictures. They took their bubbles and were blowing them while hanging out in a play area. They finally decided it was too windy to be out there and wanted to go eat Mexican, which we did, and then headed back to my house for "rest"... we can't call it a nap in front of Bailey or else she won't lay down. She is afraid she will miss something if she should fall asleep. They both "rested" for a couple of hours, which meant rest for me too. I finally took them home to their mama, and came back to my own house and "rested"...
Saturday hubby and I went to look at furniture, and then to eat craw fish. I needed another "rest," but didn't get it since I was in charge of the Easter feast and needed to get started on that. Since I am in the middle of packing, we did Easter at Brandy's house this year. I took everything there, and cooked or at least got everything oven ready for Sunday. The kids finally rested again, and I helped Brandy work on her deck. We spray painted numerous pots, stands and chairs and then planted numerous plants. By the time we were done, it was worthy of a several page spread in a magazine.. When I was getting ready to leave her house, I discovered you should not spray paint stuff while wearing flip-flops.. Soooo, I went home and used lots of finger nail polish remover to remove the spray paint from my feet, and re-do the pedicure I had just given myself 3 days earlier.
Easter morning, I did some things around my house and then headed to Brandy's to finalize lunch, and if I do say so myself, it was delicious..
Today, it is back to the grind. And, I am tired..
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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