That is the name of the function at Benton's school we attended last night. As soon as I picked them up from daycare yesterday, he informed me he wanted to attend Arts on the Avenue last night, and we did. And, they could not have been any sweeter. We arrived early, got our hands stamped so we could participate in arts and crafts functions and the fun began. When we walked into the school, we had to pass through the silent auction area. Benton wanted to know what all the stuff was sitting out for. I explained in great detail how a silent auction worked, and he was hooked. He had me put my name on several things he was interested in. I reminded him we would have to check back from time to time to make sure we were still high bidder and he was good with that. We looked at the art projects he had created, as well as art projects created by his entire class. I am telling you it was very impressive what they came up with.
We wandered into the area where individual artists were set up giving demonstrations of their skills. Benton was fascinated by it all, especially the pottery guy and the lady painting still life. In fact when we got home, he picked up a tablet and pen and starting drawing a picture of a vase of tulips Brandy had sitting on her breakfast room table. I have offered several times to pay for art lessons, but so far, he wants to do it on his own.
Bailey was fascinated by the ballet dancers. And to be totally honest, Benton loves him some ballet. He was introduced to ballet when he was 2 by his great grandmother and he was hooked. One of the items we bid on at the silent auction was a DVD of Ballet Magnificat - The Story of Ruth. He has seen this previously live, but wanted the DVD. Once the dancers left the stage, Bailey even talked to a couple of them. I was not close enough to hear what was said, but the fact she even talked to a stranger without me or her mother around was pretty impressive.
We ended the night by listening to a group of third graders playing music on a flute like instrument, and let me tell you, it was very well done. The music teacher at Benton's school is awesome and he loves her. Benton and Bailey sat mesmerized through the entire mini-concert. Once this was done, we headed back to check on our auction items and the auction was over. Unfortunately, we only won one thing, but fortunately, it was the item that Benton was the most concerned we might not win.. THE DVD OF THE BALLET!!!! $5.00 later it was his to take home. Bailey then declared she was hot and it was giving her a "hurt head" and she was ready to go.
We got home, took baths and settled down with ballet DVD. Benton fell asleep while watching it, and Bailey watched it in its entirety.
Another fabulous night with two of the people I love the most in this world!!!!
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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