1. BP has finally been able to cap the oil spill, and this is GREAT news! This is only a temporary fix until they are able to cap it below the sea bed, but at least the flow of oil has stopped. Thank you God for answered prayers!
2. I cleaned my entire house last night. Hopefully it can stay that way until our guests arrive Saturday afternoon. I know there are a few areas I will have to re-visit, but for the most part it is clean and it should stay that way.
3. One of our mystery guests is a celebrity. Not a celebrity everyone would know about, but I would say a lot of women would know and recognize her.
4. She is bringing me a signed copy of her book. We are taking our guests to dinner Saturday night and then, for some local flavor, to a local restaurant/bar to listen to a well known local band.
5. I am actually going to cook brunch for a celebrity Sunday morning! Yes, I am brave like that! It will be simple so I don't risk screwing it up. And, we will have Mimosas, just in case I screw it up.. it will make everyone less aware. :)
More later...
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago