Brandy and I were so excited about the trip, we got to the airport over two hours early just so we could feel like we were "finally on our way!" And believe me when I tell you, getting to the airport early where we live is NOT necessary. We did sit in the airport bar and have a couple of adult beverages while waiting to board. Afterall it would take us all of 48 minutes to get to Atlanta so we could sit and wait two more hours, in a bar, for our flight to California. And, apparently Brandy had no idea how far Calfornia was from Atlanta since when the Captain announced it would take 4 hours and 17 minutes to get to John Wayne Airport, she was shocked. I think she actually thought it would only take a couple of hours. But, thank goodness for technology and she was able to watch Bravo TV while we flew through the air. We were definitely too excited to sleep on the plane. We arrived in Orange County about 10:15 P.M. their time, 12:15 A.M. our time, so we were finally getting a little tired. After a 30 minute ($65.00) cab ride from the airport to the hotel, we went to bed, because the hotel bar was closed and what else was there to stay up for. We definitely should have gotten our cabbie to stop at a jiffy mart so we could fill our mini frige with Ultras, but hindsight is always perfect isn't it!!
We were awake bright and early Saturday morning, since we were too excited to sleep. After indulging in a huge breakfast, in anticipation of not eating again that day, we started getting ready. Brandy said she needed to go ahead and "fix" her hair early so it could be re-done as "dirty" hair later, because everyone knows dirty hair is easier to fix and it looks better??? Who knew!!! After 4 hours of getting ready, taking numerous pictures, more primping, our ride was finally at the hotel. We had the pleasure of riding to the event with Vicki's assistant, Heidi and her friend Laurie, who were awesome. When we arrived at Vicki's house, where the finale was being filmed, Bravo people were everywhere. We had to sign a contract allowing them to film us, and have our picture taken with the contract!!! That alone made me feel somewhat like a celebrity! After waiting outside the house for all of 10 minutes, Brandy texted Vicki and told her we needed a beer, and that we wanted to see her. Vicki told us to go out by the pool and get a beer, and then come on up to where she was having her hair and makeup done. The camera crew was in her bathroom filming her, and we actually sat in there with her and the crew for about 30 minutes, and they were filming us, right along with her, and laughing right along with all of us. We then headed back downstairs, because HELLO, we needed another beer (and BTW, there was no Ultra at this party). We had the option of drinking Becks, Corona, Fisher, and something else I had never heard of. I had a Becks, which was good, but then I tried a Fisher, and I loved it. We met lots of wonderful people, got to see a cat fight between Tamra and Gena, lots of wine being thrown in people's faces, and a hasty exit on Gena's part. We took lots of pictures, made new friends who thanks to technology, once again, we were able to "friend" on Facebook immediately, and ate things we have never eaten before. I drank a martini of some kind that some cute hot yummy GAY guy made especially for me. What a waste of a cute hot yummy guy!! I think he is in the pictures Brandy put on facebook somewhere since I am pretty sure she is in 99% of the pictures taken that night.
After the filming, one of Bravo's crew memberts drove us, Vicki, her daughter Brianna, her office manager Danielle and couple of other people to a Mexican restaurant called Carmalita's to eat some real Mexican food. And then, Vicki called a limo to come get us!! HELLO!!! I had never ridden in a limo before!!! We then headed back to the hotel because we were all tired from the an extremely busy day.
Sunday morning, Vicki picked us up bright and early and we actually headed to a bar in Newport Beach 9:30 A.M. to watch the Chicago Bears play football because the games come on two hours earlier there than they do here, and when I tell you the bar was packed, I am not kidding. Standing room only. Vicki is from Chicago and she and her family are huge Bears fans. Our New Orleans Saints were playing too and we all kept each other company while both our teams lost. We then headed out on a boat ride that was fabulous! The houses on the water there have private beaches and were truly unbelievable. And, Brandy almost got a ticket for pretending we were riding around on the Titanic!! Shocker!!! We thoroughly enjoyed the boat ride and then we headed out to do a little purse shopping, (because a girl can never have too many purses) and we were successful!
We wound down the night by hanging out with Vicki at her house for a little while and then she took us back to our hotel and we said our goodbyes. It was the trip of a lifetime for us for sure.
After leaving Orange County late due to weather delays in Atlanta, we ran a marathon through the Atlanta airport to make our connecting flight and made it with about 10 minutes to spare.
It is definitely a trip we will be talking about for months to come. And, we certainly can't wait to find out when the finale will air so we can see if we made it past the cutting room floor! You should at least be able to see Brandy because she made her way to wherever she saw cameras because who knows when we will ever be around a film crew again.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago