This past weekend was pretty busy for me. It started Friday night when I went to karate with Brandy and the kids. Benton absolutely loves karate and I absolutely love watching him. He probably listens to Instructor Parks better than any of the other kids, and I am not saying that because he is my flesh and blood (well, maybe because he is my flesh and blood). After karate they wanted to go to Pizza Inn (which does not sell adult beverages) and we vetoed that since it was now 6:30 on Friday night, Pizza Inn was across town and all restaurants were starting to fill up. Benton then decided he wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant (which does sell adult beverages), although he wouldn't touch Mexican food with a ten foot pole. However, he does love their chicken strips and fries, and chips. Bailey will eat anything.. seriously.. After we finished dinner, I dropped them off at their house so we could all start packing for our trip to Louisiana the next morning.
My niece Taylor was celebrating her 5th birthday, and Brandy still needed to find an outfit for out trip to California, so we headed out early. We arrived in Louisiana about 9:30 and started our shopping venture at Target, where we purchased one birthday present, two toys for well behaved children, and a few items of clothing for well behaved children, and a couple of things for G. We then headed to some boutiques, and unfortunately Brandy found nothing, at any of them.. Me, on the other hand, found an awesome suede and fur vest that will look snazzy with a pair of boots I purchased recently.
We then headed to lunch with my niece, sister-in-law and my mom and then on to the party. The kids had a blast, but they were ready to go before the party was over because THEY WERE TIRED OF GOING PLACES, and just wanted to go mammaws and play. We headed to mammaws where they played, the adults rested, and then I proceeded to get dressed for GIRLS NIGHT OUT with three friends from high school. Two of the friends I had not seen in over 15 years, and the other one I see often. Two of the friends came to get me and we headed to Monroe to Portico's where the other friend met us and we talked, laughed, revisited our pasts, laughed some more, etc. We all made a pact to NOT let so much time go by before we connected again, and plan to meet again in December, and I CANNOT WAIT!!! We used to have lots of fun when we were in high school, and in the first few years after high school before we all got married and went in different directions, and now know we can still have fun with each other after all these years.. So, the plan is to meet again in early December. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
After eating my mom's "biskits" and gravy, Brandy and I loaded up the kids early Sunday and headed home since we had not yet been to the fair and it was definitely on our list of things to do Sunday because it was the last day. Hubby and I headed out with the kids about 1:00, and although it was hot, we had much fun. Bailey loves to ride, but unfortunately she is a tad short to ride some of the rides, but Benton would prefer trying to win cheap plastic toys at $5.00 a pop. After spending 20.00 on games where they won 4 cheap plastic toys, I said no more. We are going to ride rides or leave. They were fine with that, and loved every minute of it. We purchased 12.00 worth of cotton candy on our way out and declared it a great day. They were not quite ready to go home and requested we head to G's house, and this was fine with me because I LOVE BEING WITH THEM. We played outside, I squirted them with the water hose, they filled up a bucket with water and created a "brew" that they stirred and stirred and stirred... Whatever makes them happy is my motto..
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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