I really thought the first day of kindergarten for BT would be similar to our first ballgame. He wouldn't want to go, would walk in the his room, and then run out crying for his mama, etc. You know the story. But, I could not have been more surprised. He was excited! I went over to Daughter's house so I could take BK to daycare so Daughter could take BT to school, since I feel sure if BT was going somewhere new, BK would want to do it to... Strangely enough he wanted me to take him to school, but I told him only moms could take you to school on the first day, and I could take him any day after that. And he bought it. But, BK couldn't understand where her "brudder" was going when only she and I left for daycare. She was sad. And, when I dropped her off at daycare, she cried. She kept asking where he was going. It broke my heart.
Anyway, BT had picked out what he wanted to take for his lunch for his first day of kindergarten. Most kids would want PBJ, chips, pre-packaged cookies, capri sun... but, not BT. He wanted a cheese sandwich (not grilled), toast rounds that I got at Fresh Market, a slice of a cake I baked that he said is the "best cake ever," peanut butter crackers for his snack, apple slices, fruit chews and apple juice. I am sure when he started pulling everything out of his lunch bag, he got a few stares. But, he is an individual, and is not swayed by what everybody else is doing, eating, wearing, etc. That is one of the MANY things I love about him.
When Daughter asked him how his first day of school went, he said it was fun, he didn't remember what they did, he liked his lunch and was ready to go back. Unfortunately they don't get to go back today, but they do go back tomorrow and then they are on a regular schedule after that.
And I don't know why that one picture is turned sideways.. And, I can't figure out how to remove it.. Another DUH moment..
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