was absolutely beautiful! We had a great time with great friends and look forward to seeing them again soon. We talked about it all the way home...
The Wedding Planner did a fantastic job with everything. It was all perfect. We enjoyed seeing everyone, hanging out at their pool with the kids, reminiscing about the good old days of endless weekends at the ballpark, the wedding, dinner after the wedding, the reception, etc. It was wonderful, and way too short. The bride was truly breathtaking. The dress was fabulous. They are an awesome couple and it was obvious they are very much in love.
Of course, there is always some drama. Although BT had been advised he was not going to the wedding, and would be staying with a sitter, when the sitter arrived, he was not a happy camper. The sitter (Miss Dot) could not have been nicer. BK and MM liked her just fine. BT told us we were leaving with him a stranger, and that we knew he did not like babysitters. Of course BK started repeating BT and caused more drama. As we were walking to the car to leave for the wedding, he ran to the car, got in and buckled himself in his carseat and announced he was going to the wedding, in his swimsuit... D-R-A-M-A!!!! Former Boss came and got him and took him back in and we left. Wedding Planner and Former Boss ordered cheese pizza and all was well with the world again. But, when we got home, he was asleep and when I picked him up, and he realized it was me, he almost started crying again. Next morning he told Daughter and I we lied to him because we said we would only be gone for a few minutes, and we were gone a very long time. I told him the wedding took longer than expected. I didn't dare tell him we went to the reception too! Good grief!!!
Pictures are coming!
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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