Still shredding it, and it seems to be getting easier. I only got lightheaded once at 5:10 A.M. this morning when I was shredding it. I don't know if I will ever make it to Level II. Daughter did Level II yesterday, and I am pretty sure I know why there are three levels. Level I is for the "almost 50 is the new 40" age group. Oh, and I had to start shredding it in the morning so as not to interfere with "happy hour" in the afternoons. Priorities!!!!
We had an uneventful weekend. Daughter and I are part of a group planning an "Engagement Shower" for one of her friends who is getting married in July. We had a meeting with the other ladies who are acting as hostesses Friday night. The event was my idea, and my idea was to keep it VERY SIMPLE!!! Wine, cheese, and a couple of easy finger foods. It is a couples party, and it is on a Saturday night! Eat BEFORE YOU COME PEOPLE!!! It will last for 2 hours, and I am the bartender. No one will touch the bottles of wine but me. Grandparents will be present and we will not be entertaining people who wish to imbibe too much, and there is an ABSOLUTE NO BYOB rule in effect. One of the hostesses wanted to know if people could bring their own beer since "everyone doesn't drink wine"... The answer to that was not just NO!!!, but H*LL NO!!!! If you don't drink wine, drink before you come, drink after you leave, or drink the bottled water. We are serving wine, bottled water, 4 finger foods, dessert and that is it. It lasts 2 hours, and when it is over, everyone is supposed to leave, except the hostesses who are expected to stay and help clean up. It is not a redneck event, and it is not going to be turned into one. Good grief people!!!! I was getting so aggravated, I had to leave the meeting. I am sooooo glad the event is NOT at my house. Daughter volunteered to have it at her house and that works for me.
Saturday I took an elderly friend (used to be my neighbor) to the beauty shop. Although she can have her hair done at the facility where she resides, she refuses to do so. She will go an entire month without washing her hair, waiting on me to be available to take her to see Marie at her usual beauty shop. She said the lady at the facility does not know how to "back comb" as well as Marie can, and it does not hold up as well. I am not real sure what it has to to "hold up" too, since all she does is sleep, eat, sit in her recliner and sleep some more. She NEVER leaves the facility unless I go get her, but that is her choice. They have excursions, but she refuses to participate. She said the excursions interfere with her taking her medicine in a timely manner. I am pretty sure at 85 she is not going to change, and since I have enough stuff on my plate, I am not going to try to persuade her otherwise. Since she cannot get in my SUV, I have to borrow Daughter's car each time I take her to the beauty shop, and I had to inform her Daughter is trying to get rid of her car and get an SUV, and I won't be able to take her to the beauty shop anymore. She was very disturbed over this. I hate it, but she can't climb into my SUV, and that is all I have. I will still go see her, and take her supplies, but I just won't be able to take her places.
The rest of my day was spent going to lunch with the family, including Daughter, BT and BK, and then taking a much needed nap. Daughter took kids to a birthday party, so I was able to nap and catch up on Housewives of NYC. Those women are tough!!!!
Yesterday, Daughter and kids spent the entire day at the house. I cooked, we ate, watched Shrek, Shrek 2, Veggie Tales, played Crazy Eights, etc. BK refused to take a nap earlier in the day and at 5:00 P.M., she was laying on the kitchen counter for some unknown reason, and all of a sudden she got very still. She was SOUND asleep! Daughter only let her sleep for about 45 minutes. When they left at 6:30 and I ran straight for the couch..
The other secretary in the office comes back tomorrow!!!! Yippeeeeee!!!! I plan to take a two hour lunch tomorrow! I have not been able to go to lunch in over a week..
Enough blubbering.. I have work to do.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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