Daughter, five of her friends and myself gave another one of Daughter's friends an engagement party this past weekend and it was LOTS of work. Daughter and I did all the work so we could keep costs down and do it like we wanted it done. I took off work Friday to do a few things for the party and ended up spending the entire day and part of the evening working on this event. Daughter also took off and it took both of us working all day to get everything done that could be done on Friday, and then we still had things to do that could only be done on Saturday. And, did I mention it was H.O.T? The temp was 97 and the heat index was 104, and the party was OUTSIDE... Who knew 6 weeks ago when we planned this event that it would be this hot in June? Apparently not me. I don't recall it ever being this hot in June.. in July and August, yes, but not June. But, we dealt with it as well as we could. We had fans set up in strategic spots, and Daughter does have a great backyard with great trees which at least kept the sun off our backs, but it was still warm. We didn't put the food and flowers out until 10 minutes before the guests arrived. We didn't want the flowers to wilt and we surely didn't want the guest to eat bad food.
We had a wine bar set up and I was the bartender. I am not really a bartender, but I do know the difference between red and white wine so I was more than qualified for the job. Although I was sure it WOULD happen, Daughter was even more sure it would NOT happen.... BUT, some people brought their own coolers... with beer! Daughter did not handle this well at all. I didn't care. It meant more wine for me. Some people came, realized we were not serving beer (it clearly said on the invitation, "wine" would be served) and then left to make a beer run. Now, if I were going to do that, I would at least be discreet about it, and not bring my beer in a really nasty red insulated bag that hangs on one's shoulder, and haul it through the house past 20 other people. That is NOT being discreet people! I would at least put it in a cute little monogramed insulated bag that could almost pass for a purse, or a cute beach bag. Yep, that is what I would do, IF I were going to bring beer to a WINE party. And, I would probably pour it in a cup.. but that is just me.
In spite of people making beer runs, the party was a success and everyone had fun. Kim and Bryan were pleased with everything, and if we made them happy, then it was a huge success in my opinion.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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