Daughter and I took the kids to the pool Sunday and met a friend of her's that had brought his two kids that are the same age as the grandkids. Babysitters!!!! Ages 2 and 5.. Yippee!!! Actually I watched all four of them, a lot.. And, I am very grateful I was paying attention. The visiting 5 year old got in water over her head and was struggling to keep her head above water. Not one to freak out since I know I can get to her in just seconds (and I don't want to scare the kids), and never having been around her in the pool before, I asked her dad was she ok, and he immediately knew she was NOT, and he and Daughter both dove in the pool simultaneously and her dad grabbed her within 5 seconds of me noticing her struggling. She was scared but ok, and having just completed a week of swim lessons, she was able to keep herself above water until the adults noticed her struggle. She was back in the pool shortly thereafter and didn't get in water over her head again. Lesson learned for sure.
BK was watching all the activity in the big pool and would go stand at the side and count to 3 and say Cannonball!!! and then run to the steps and hop down to the first one. She did this countless times throughout the day and I told Daugther that at some point she was going to forget to run to the steps, and actually jump into 3 feet of water, which is over her head by about 10 inches. Sure enough, she counted to 3, squatted down in a jumping position, shouted Cannonball at the top of her little lungs and jumped into 3 feet of water, and much to our amazement, came back to the top and grabbed the side of the pool as Daughter was reaching for her. Daughter pulled her out, BK wiped her hair out of her eyes and headed back to the baby pool where she needed to be, and continued to dive for the toys she had thrown in earlier. Another lesson learned.
Never one to put himself in danger, BT advised us we needed to make sure we were watching them because they are, afterall, just kids. Thanks BT!
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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