Thursday, June 18, 2009

I LOVE my ALONE time!

When I left work yesterday, I had a mental list of things I wanted to do when I got home, but wasn't sure I would get them done because I never know what Man has planned. The first thing I wanted to do when I got home was Shred, and I did, and I was feeling very energetic when I was done. So I continued to work on the laundry, I baked a cake that BT has declared is the best cake ever, and I baked a fresh squash casserole that was to die for. I was actually baking this stuff for dinner tonight, but I did take a little taste of the casserole since I had never baked it before. TO DIE FOR!!! By the time I was done with the baking, I had not heard from Man yet, so I texted him and he told me he was going to be late. He was already "late" and I thanked him for letting me know. If I haven't heard from him by 5:30 as to what his plans are, the kitchen stays closed. I had to implement this rule because he thinks ALL I do when I get home from working all day is prepare his dinner, and my day is complete. WRONG!!!! And, on top of that, he will call late and tell me he has to go out to dinner with various people, and I have already cooked! Not a happy ending to my day at all when I have cooked for nothing. I don't cook for me. I cook for him. So, if he has not called me by 5:30, he gets to cook, if he wants to eat, and when he cooks, we go out to eat since Man does NOT cook. My kitchen, MY rules. Last night he had a dinner, and I had not started cooking when I got the news, so I was going to get some ALONE TIME!!! So, I finished the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen from all the baking I had done, mopped the kitchen floor, ran to Lowe's and bought some plants to replace the plants the heat had all but killed, planted the new plants, watered the existing plants, as well as the new plants, dusted the den, took a shower and sat down to watch Arkansas beat Virginia in the College World Series. When Man got home, I had not eaten dinner, intentionally. He brought me his doggie bag from Ruth Chris. It was lobster! It was good stuff!

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