Last night I ran over to Daughter's house to see some home improvements she is having done, but mostly to see the grandkids. As soon as we got through with hugs and kisses, BT wanted to watch Willie Wonka a/k/a Charlie and Chocolate Factory.. I think he is addicted. He has a long black coat he wears, a tall hat, and a "cane" a/k/a one half of a curtain rod, and anytime the movie is on, he is wearing his attire. He and BK both know most of the words to this movie by heart and feel compelled to talk right along with the actors in the movie. It is actually very funny to watch and listen to them. They imitate what is being done, especially when the characters are singing. BT is one of those kids who challenges you to think. He wanted to know what "Oompa Loompas" are (if you don't know what they are, watch Charlie and Chocolate Factory). I told him they were Oompa Loompas. He said I know that, but WHAT are they. I again told him they were Oompa Loompas. Again he asked BUT WHAT ARE THEY? I finally told him, and I quote "just like monkeys are monkeys, Oompa Loompas are just Oompa Loompas." He said "Oh, ok." He bought it! After that he wanted to know of Willie Wonka was real and I told him no. He then reminded me his mama had bought him a Willie Wonka Chocolate Bar (not kidding) so he has to be real. How else can you get a Willie Wonka Chocolate Bar if Willie Wonka is not real?!! Duh on me!
He then wanted to know if Santa is real, and I told him absolutely. We knew this for a fact since he is the person in charge of making all the toys. He told me that made sense. Then he wanted to know why Santa wears boots and I told him because he lives at the north pole and there is always snow at the north pole. The boots help keep his feet dry. He told me that made sense too. He told me I sure do know a lot... :) Yep, I do..
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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