Daughter was cutting her grass other day and in an effort to teach the 5 year old about chores, she asked BT to pick up sticks in the yard so she could mow. Apparently they had already had a discussion about him watching his sister while Daughter cut the grass. He promptly told her she could run over them with the lawn mower because HIS job was to watch his sister while his mama cut the grass. I wasn't there when he said it, but I can just see the look on his face as he informed his mama what his job of the day was. And, watching his sister is no easy task. She is definitely an explorer, and an experimenter.. She is FEARLESS!!! But, he is up to the task.. He is usually the one who keeps us informed on her never ending antics!
We are thinking about going through swim lessons, again, with BT, and adding BK to the mix. BK has never had them, and needs them more than her brother since she does NOT hesitate to jump in the water, regardless of how deep or how brown. Going under water does not bother her at all. BT has had lessons three times, and only after the last lessons did we think he had finally learned something. Toward the end of the summer, he would finally let go of us when he was in water over his head and kick to the side. BK on the other hand, jumps in whether we are looking or not, and HATES any kind of flotation device that goes on her body... not swimmies, a ring, anything she has to sit in, etc. She WILL play with flotation devices that she controls herself, i.e., swim boards, surfer boards, etc., but do NOT attach anything to her body. Her reaction is NOT pretty... no matter how cute she is.. BT on the other hand, will happily put a ring on, and float around for hours. Not kidding.. Anyway.. there is a swim teacher that has been around for many, many years, and after 5 days, the child WILL know how to swim well enough to save his life if he falls in water over his head. I have heard "stories" about her, and how she tosses them in, and tells them to sink or swim, and apparently they DO swim, but I am not sure I could watch this. BK would handle it like a trooper, but BT would most likely NOT handle this well at all. Daughter learned to swim by this method at age 13 months, and it did work with her, but Daughter was fearless too. Sooooo, we shall see. We are still talking about it.
Weekend here was beautiful, but very windy and therefore a tad chilly.. We went to a crawfish boil at a local watering hole and the crawfish were VERY good.. I spent the rest of the weekend taking an elderly friend to get her hair done, and piddling around my house. Daughter and I did manage to shop a little and find a dress for her to wear to the wedding of a CHILD SHE USED TO BABYSIT!!! Of course, he is no longer a child, but it is hard to believe she used to babysit him, and his two sisters, when he was about 5 years old!!! Can't wait to go to that wedding..
I wonder if going to the wedding of a child my Daughter used to babysit makes me OLD!!? Not a chance!!!!! :)
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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