The grandkids were around a lot this weekend, which is always a good thing. They both spent the night with me Saturday night, which means I had to get the air mattress out and put it in the den, because that is what BT wanted me to do, and I am a G that is here to please. BK could care less. She will pretty much sleep anywhere. When BT was a baby, he used to sleep in a pak-n-play in my room when he stayed overnight. When he finally outgrew the pak-n-play, I had to come up with a new plan for his sleeping arrangements because I didn't want him sleeping upstairs, with or without me, just in case he got up looking for me (even if I was in the bed with him) and tried to wander down the stairs alone. Anyway, I bought a blowup air mattress and for him, it was love at first sight. He absolutely loved it. He had just had his first birthday and I knew it was time to graduate to a bigger bed. I put it up one weekend when I knew he would be coming for an overnight visit and there was a look of absolute pure joy on his face when he first saw his new bed. We are now on our second air mattress, and he loves it as much now as he did when he first saw it. He could sleep upstairs, and has, but he prefers it when I rearrange my den furniture and blow up the air mattress.. Kids! BK loves it too, but she loves everything BT loves.. That is just how she is.
Anyway, the evening went well, in spite of the time change.. Both kids slept til about 8. We got up, cooked breakfast, hung out, etc.. BT is fascinated with the Polar Express and was pretending he was the engineer. He was walking around with a pretend lantern, making train noises. Man asked him what he was doing. BT told him he was the engineer on the Polar Express. Man asked him how he could be the engineer and BT told him he was using his imagination. Man asked him if he could see his imagination, and BT told him, and I quote: "Man, you can't see my imagination because it is in my brain and my head covers it up." I was laughing out loud and so was Man. He truly says the darndest things.
Daughter informed me that when BK got out of the car this morning at daycare, she wanted to take her purse in with her. Daughter told her to leave it in the car. BK said, and I quote: "But Mama, I NEED my purse." How do you argue with what a girl needs?!! In the purse are her hot pink sunglasses, lipstick a/k/a chapstick, and a brush.. What else could she possibly need throughout the day? She is a truly funny kid. She makes us all laugh on a regular basis. She and her brother could not be more different, but they truly do love each other, and they play well together, most days. She certainly demands more attention than he does, or ever has. He is a sweetheart, and a thinker for sure. She is a D.R.A.M.A queen, somewhat like her mother, who is my daughter. Life is never dull around this family.. I am blessed.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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