Wednesday, April 29, 2009

For real.....

I ran to Walmart this morning prior to coming to work. This is when I always go to Walmart. You will rarely EVER see me in there at any other time. It is just too frustrating. There is really no such thing as "running in" Walmart, unless you go before 7:00 A.M., which is usually when you will find me there. It could be a place to just "run in" if there were not so many people who truly believe "it is their world and everyone else should adjust."

At 6:30 A.M. this morning I "ran in" Walmart, gathered my items (less than 20), got in the "express lane," and that is where everything came to a standstill. For a good 10 minutes. I was fourth line. The lady being checked out, was almost done. Next customer had a ready made salad and was fishing through her purse. Not a good sign. I assumed she was looking for her debit card. Not. She was looking for a pen. She finally gave up and only after her purchase had been scanned and bagged did she dig through her purse again, and pull out her checkbook, and then ask for a pen. Her total was $3.19 and she wanted to write a check, and she had no pen. She asked the cashier for a pen, and she did not have one either. Neither did the other three registers she checked. I pulled a pen out of my purse to get this process moving, and another employee happened to walk in and she had a pen. Then the customer wanted to know if she could write her check for $20.00 instead of $3.19. Her one purchase took 5 times as long as mine, and I purchased 19 items. This kind of thing used to happen to me ALL THE TIME in Walmart which is why I started going before all the brain dead people got up and got started on their day. I have been behind people who purchased $200.00 or more and they either can't find their debit card, can't find their credit card, can't find their checkbook, can't remember their pin (and even attemped to call a couple of relatives to see if they remembered the pin number), not enough cash to purchase all they had in their buggy, and then started having items removed so they could get their total down to the amount of cash they had on hand. There have also been those whose debit/credit card gets denied, and they attempt to blame it on Walmart. They know they don't have the money in their account, or that their credit card has been canceled, but they still stand there, holding up the line until a Customer Service Representative has to be called and confirms it just ain't happening with the method of payment they are attempting to use. I don't know why I continue to be amazed at what people try to get away with, but I do.

Target is actually easier, but it just isn't a good place to shop for groceries for me. It also doesn't open early enough, and it is out of my way. I do like Target, but it is a matter of convenience, and price. I do buy clothes there (I have on a really cute shirt from there today), especially for the grandkids, but I can't justify the price difference in the other stuff.

So, I may have to start going to Walmart even earlier. Or eat less.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coaches beware.. I am listening..

BT is playing t-ball and I went to his practice yesterday. Having played ball for more years than I am willing to share so as not to give away my age, and having had a daughter who played, and whom I helped coach for many years, I would say I know a little about the game of baseball/softball. One of the first things I heard one of the coaches tell the boys yesterday is that if they throw the ball a certain way, they were "throwing like a girl." Well, that didn't go over too well with me at all, and I immediately made the comment that if he would put on a glove I knew a couple of girls (me and Daughter) that could show him how girls really throw. And, I threw in how inappropriate I thought that comment was. I went on say I did not think it was ok to make girls out to be inferior to boys, to make the boys feel better about themselves, or change the way they were doing things. About that time I got "the look" from Daughter advising me the coach's wife was sitting to my immediate right, and we were ALMOST, touching elbows. My first thought was, if she was up for a discussion about it, I would have been happy to oblige. My second thought was, I might need to keep my mouth shut, or not. But, only time will tell. We have a game at 11:45 Saturday.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I am hoping...

this week goes by MUCH faster than last week. I am the only lady here this week, which means I can't leave for lunch unless one of the attorneys is here to answer the phone. I love working in an office with very few people. Believe me, it has WAY more advantages than disadvantages, but the disadvantage I like the least is not being able to leave when I want/need too. The other lady I work with comes to work every morning and rarely leaves again before leaving at the end of the day. I can't do that. I start feeling claustrophobic. I need to be able to walk outside, get in my vehicle, and go somewhere, even if it is to run home and let the puppies out.

Man and I had a great weekend. We met friends for lunch Saturday, to eat CRAWFISH again!! They were better, and bigger this time than last time we had them. They had two more weeks to grow and the growing did them good. I think we will go back this weekend and eat some more. Even Man eats them and he does NOT like to work for his food, and eating crawfish is work. But he ate almost as many as I did, which was pretty impressive for him. We sat on the patio of the restaurant while eating, and it was a tad warm. Man does NOT like to be hot, but he was a champ about sitting out there because he knows I love to be outside.

And, since everyone knows crawfish just do not fill you up, we went to a local pizza place for dinner and I had nothing other than... CRAWFISH BREAD, which was awesome... And, they serve draft beer in mason jars. Couldn't ask for a better end to the day.

Yesterday WE worked around the house. I am always working around the house, but Man decided he would participate as well. Before we got started, we made a trip to Lowe's and to Fresh Market. He had never been to Fresh Market before and since I love that place so much, I felt like he needed to go, at least once. He is unaccustomed to shopping for his own food. He likes the system we have had set up for the past 25 years, wherein I do all the shopping, chopping, cooking, and the cleaning up afterwards. This system works for him, and it actually works for me too. This way, he has very little say-so in what I cook. There are some things he can't eat, and I respect that, but other than that, he eats what I cook, or he will suffer through a few bites and tell me I don't need to cook that again. Anyway, he said he didn't need to go back to Fresh Market. It was just unnecessary.

I cooked our dinner on the grill, added a couple of sides and he was good to go. He said I did good. I cleaned up the mess and FINALLY sat down to rest. It was a busy, but fruitful day.. If I could just skip Monday...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame!

We took the grandkids to the see the Braves play last night and had a blast. Daughter met us there, as well as some of her friends who have season tickets. As we were waiting for Man to buy tickets, we were approached by two young girls who work at the ballpark and they wanted to know if BT would be interested in going out on the field right before the game and saying "PLAY BALL!!!" He said no way. :( We did everything we could think of to get him to change his mind and he was not to be persuaded. Soooo, they moved on to BK and asked if she would like to go on the ballfield and simply wave to the people in the stands as they welcomed her to the ballpark. Just like Daughter, she was ALL about it. When Daughter took her down to the gate, BK left her mother and went with these girls, who were strangers to her, and stood out on the field and loved it. She was like a rock star! When her "moment" came and she had to wave, she did so without any hesitation. BT could have cared less. He wanted to go down the ginormous slide again. Soooo, we went to our seats, and watched the game. We were sitting right behind the dugout and every now and then the players come out and hand out baseballs that were used during the game. BT got one!!! A few minutes later he was standing near the dugout and one of the players came out and handed him a bat. He almost didn't take it!!! There were kids there twice his age who would have given anything to get a bat, and my grandson wanted to know why the player gave him the bat. One little boy came up to us and wanted to know how BT got the bat, and after we told him, he sat on the edge of the seat in front of us just in case another player walked out with a bat to give away. We left in the 7th inning and it had not happened yet, but I hope he got one after we left.

BK seemed to be way more in to the ballgame than BT, but they both had a great time. We have been taking BT to the ballgame since he was 15 months old and he has always loved it. This was BK's third trip to the ballpark and she is surprisingly well behaved at the games and even cheers when everyone else does. And, she ate a big hotdog, WITH RELISH. She asked for the relish. She's two..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random pictures..

Daughter and niece at Peach Bowl in Atlanta. FUN TIMES!!!
Taking Sis for a ride in the Grave Digger! They love this thing!!!

She makes me laugh out loud!

I could eat him up.. He is an angel!

A little sisterly love... right!


I picked up the kids from daycare yesterday due to Daughter working late this week. We went to the little park (there is a big one) and played for well over an hour. BK does absolutely everything she sees her brother do, and she repeats most things we say, at the most "convenient" times.

When they finally got home last night, BT was aggravating his sister in some form or fashion and BK looked at him and said "I told you to stop it son!" Can I tell you how many times she has heard her mother say that to her brother!? She is always listening and watching. Beware!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


One thing my daughter does that drives me absolutely insane is texting constantly. Before texting was invented and she and I would attempt to spend time together, she was constantly on her cell phone with her friends. I tried to explain to her that it was rude to be on the phone with other people while trying to have dinner with her mother. She disagreed. One particular mother's day, she invited me to come sit by the pool with her at her apartment complex and spend the day together. I had reservations about it because she is so obsessed with her phone, but I bit the bullet and went. It didn't take me long to figure out that not only did she NOT want to be there, she was on the phone making plans for when I finally got fed up with the conversations that did not include me, and I left. I grabbed my towel, my cooler (which contained ALL the adult beverages she wanted to drink too) and my hot fries and headed to my vehicle. As soon as she realized what I was doing, she told her friend to HOLD ON, and she asked me where I was going. She didn't even hang up the phone!!! I informed her I was going home, and did not say another word to her, even when she followed me to my vehicle, with her phone in her hand, and her friend holding on for so they could finish "making their plans." That incident briefly got her attention and for a while, I could actually be in her presence without her being on the phone.

Fast forward 10 years, and now she is even worse because of texting. It is worse than an obsession. Not only with her, but her friends too. And, they are ALL clueless as to just how rude it is to be in a conversation with someone THAT IS NOT IN THE ROOM, while a guest/friend/relative is physically present in the room. Daughter and I had a "discussion" about it recently, wherein she vehemently defended her actions, and even told me it was RUDE TO INGORE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TEXTING HER!!!!! I have a high tolerance of many things, but this is not one of them. She will text, laugh about the response, and all the while ignoring me and anything I am saying. Last night I went to dinner with my mother-in-law and as usual, my phone was in my purse. Daughter tried to text me four times over an hour's time, and I didn't respond and she thought something had happened to me. Since I don't usually have text conversations while in the presence of others, her concerns were without merit. On the other hand, if I had tried to text her several times in an hour and received no response, I would call the police because someone either knocked her in the head and ran away with her phone, or physical injury had befallen her and rendered her unable to use her thumbs.

Geaux Tigers!!!!

Daughter said BK was getting herself ready for bed the other night and went to her room, put on her purple and gold LSU pajamas, jumped up and said GEAUX TIGERS!!! She is always watching you... I need to remember that..

No tee-tee on Tinkerbell...

Daughter started potty training BK back in the fall, right before she got the movie Tinkerbell for Christmas. BK watched it 99+ times, Daughter bought her some Tinkerbell panties, and told her not to tee-tee on Tinkerbell,.... and it worked. Apparently having seen Tinkerbell as a living, breathing thing made her NOT want to soak her in urine. Everytime she went potty, she said "no tee-tee on Tinkerbell." And as time has gone by, and she has acquired more underwear, there is "no tee-tee on Zoe," "no tee-tee on Mermaid," "no tee-tee on Cinderella," "no tee-tee on Elmo," etc. She RARELY has an accident and it has been this way for months now. She climbs up on the potty all by herself, even though she does it in a very strange way. She climbs on feet first and then turns herself around while on ALL FOURS, and sits down. It is very funny to watch. She also wipes, flushes, slams the lid down and sprays, regardless of whether it is needed or not.. just like her brother... My grandchildren are smart like their Mama!


BT had his first T-ball practice yesterday afternoon, and although he was adamant he did not want to play, wanted his name scratched off the list and wanted his mama to get a refund of the registration fee she paid, he LOVED IT!!! Daughter had class last night and could not attend practice, but one of her friends was there with her son who is also on BT's team, and she was texting Daughter and telling her what a great job BT was doing. When they left practice BT called his mama and told her all about it. He said he had a great time, he did really well, BUT, he does not want to go back!!! BUT, he WILL be going back, and I will be there this time, as will Daughter. I love baseball, even T-ball, and I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First T-ball practice today...

BT has his first t-ball practice today. According to him he is not playing. He told Daughter he is a drummer and an artist, not a ballplayer. Yesterday, when trying to persuade him to at least give it a chance today, I told him his mom had already paid his registration fee and signed him up. He quickly informed me he was going to tell his mama to "scratch my name off the list" and "ask for her money back." And, when she walked in the door, he promptly requested she do those things. I am hoping once he goes a couple of times, he will enjoy it. He is on the team with two of his good friends, and he is actually pretty good. If he won't do it, we will have to wait on BK to play. There is no doubt she will play, BECAUSE she is her mother's daughter.

Monday, April 20, 2009

BT Day

For whatever reason, BT believed he should have a day that was just all about him this past week. Apparently he brought it up to Daughter earlier in the week, and he did not forget about it. His idea of a "BT Day" is a day at the office with "my G"... I wasn't sure I could make this happen last week, and probably didn't need to make it happen, but I gave it up and did it. He didn't want to go to school at all Friday, and called me crying Friday morning when he found out he would have to go for a little while, but I promised him if he would give me a few hours at work without him, I would come get him by 10. After much conversation, and several assurances that he would indeed get to go to my office, he was fine with only going to school for a couple of hours. His class was outside riding their bikes when I pulled up and he started dancing in the parking lot when he saw me round the corner. He made sure we were not getting his sister too. How can you have a "BT day" if she tags along?!! Believe me when I tell you, you can't. Anyway, he ran a couple of office errands with me, and then we headed to the office. He is actually very good when he gets to spend time at my office. He will draw, hang rubber bands on my office plant, play Elmo games on my computer, etc. while I do other things, etc. He is easily entertained and very well behaved, especially when his sister is not around. Per his request, we had McDonald's for lunch, but only after confirming the toy was worth having. At the end of the work day, we went to Walmart, and after much consideration, picked out a ball with water and glitter inside as our "toy of the day." We also purchased 3 new fly swatters shaped like butterflies and suns, and called them magic wands. He already had one shaped like a sun, and he wanted to get a matching set for his sister. He never leaves her out when he is getting something for himself. When we got back to my house, he sat in the floor with Man and rolled the ball back and forth and told me "G, this has been a wonderful BT day." And it was.

Let children be children...

My mom and two nieces came for a visit this past weekend. My two nieces are sisters and they are 25 years old and almost 4 years old. I thoroughly enjoyed having them, but not so sure my mom enjoyed her visit. She always wants us to come to her house, but it is almost always obvious that after a couple of hours, she is over us being there, especially if we have the grandkids with us. That is how it was this weekend while she was here. She was glad to be here for a little while, but she was way over it by early Saturday afternoon, and probably would have gone home, if it had not been raining. I am of the opinion you let children be children, and NOT stay on them about every little thing. My house is kid friendly. I have a sandbox, shovels, bubbles, chalk, and numerous other toys for them to play with, inside and out. Did they put sand in the fountain? Yes. Did it bother me? No. Did it bother others? WAY more than it should have. The sand does not hurt the fountain at all, and I am the only one that EVER cleans it out, so why should this bother anyone else, especially if it is entertaining the kids? I don't get it. I let them write on the deck and fence with chalk. No big deal to me since I knew when the rain came a couple of hours later, it would all wash away, and it did. Others were bothered by this WAY more than they should have been. Also, when the rain came, I let them write on the garage floor with chalk. It mops up people!!! NO BIG DEAL!!!!! Let kids be kids. Were they wired? Yes. They were excited about having someone to play with, other than their mother and G on this rainy weekend, and I was excited for them. BK needed a nap, but didn't get it because she is like her mother.... always afraid she is going to miss something. Daughter laid down with her, and after 20 minutes, BK whispered to her mother, "I am not sleepy." She was sleepy, but she was not giving it up, so Daughter let her up. By the time 8:00 rolled around, my little niece was racked out on the sofa. BT was asleep on the air mattress he so loves to sleep on, and BK, of course, was still going strong. I finally turned everything off at 9:30 and told her to go to sleep, and she was asleep instantly. It was like she knew there was not going to be anything to miss for the rest of the night and she finally gave it up.

All kids are different. My little niece is a tad shy, even around family, and has a really sweet spirit. BT is not shy around family, but is shy around others. He is a sweet, thoughtful, sensitive kid, but he does get a little rowdy at times, and that is ok. He is 5. His sister, BK is completely different. She is demanding, but she is also extremely funny, and always wants "just one more," She wants what she wants, when she wants it, and she is always up for a challenge. She is 2 1/2. They are only kids once, and I believe we should embrace and enjoy it. They grow up too fast. I want to soak them up while I can. I wish everyone else would do the same.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hot Flashes

Yep, I am having hot flashes.. for about 2 years now. They come and go. I started out having them once or twice at night, 3 or 4 nights a week, and then they stopped. When they came back, they were happening 2 or 3 times each night for several weeks and then they stopped. About 6 months ago, I started having them several times a night, EVERY FREAKING NIGHT!!! I can actually deal with the hot flashes themselves, but the fact that they wake me up out of a sound sleep is the problem. I have trouble going back to sleep, and if I do go back to sleep, a new flash will wake me again. The past month has been a real B&^%H!.... I am sleeping about 4 or 5 hours a night. No kidding.. I am not a night owl. I am almost always in bed, sound asleep, by 9:30 at the latest, and this usually includes weekend nights as well. But the hot flashes are on a timer and they have been waking me at 2:27 A.M. every night for almost a month now, and I am unable to go back to sleep.

Man a/k/a Husband watched some TV show with a panel of doctors the other day and he said THEY said women should take hormones short term (NOT HAPPENING) and the hot flashes will go away because they ONLY LAST A FEW MONTHS!!! I asked him if the doctor was a male because surely no female doctor believes this crap. MY HOT FLASHES HAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR TWO YEARS!!!! They also recommended exercise (I do), take calcium (I do), drink lots of water (I do), no caffeine (I seldom drink anything with caffeine, if ever... no coffee, tea, soft drinks), etc. Man is very sympathetic about the hot flashes, but for some reason he believes I should try hormones.. NOT worth the risk in my opinion. I am hoping I grow out of it. SOON!

And, my mother NEVER had a hot flash! Wonder why I didn't inherit THAT from her instead of her flat booty and skinny legs?!!!!


Man and I had a very pleasant, and quiet weekend. Grandkids were gone, and when they are gone, I don't see as much of Daughter. Saturday, Man and I ran some errands, walked through a couple of outdoor furniture stores and then went to a local place called AJ's for ALL YOU CAN EAT CRAWFISH for only $12.00 a person. We sat outside overlooking the lake, enjoyed the cool breeze, the bounty, and I enjoyed a few adult beverages! And then I went home and took a nap.. and then later, I went to eat Mexican food cuz everyone knows crawfish doesn't fill you up. But the Mexican food sure did...

I also did some cleaning this weekend. I am on one of those cleaning missions I get on every now and then. And, my mother and three nieces are coming this weekend, and not that any of them would EVER notice any cleaning I have done, just knowing they are coming simply gives me the incentive I need to take care of a few things.... like cleaning around the bottoms of the toilets, and cleaning out some cabinets, and straightening the closets.. Hopefully they won't go through my cabinets or closets, but if they do, they will definitely notice how neat they are.. :) Yep, I feel sure they will notice these things.. especially the almost 4 year old..

Actually, I think the only thing they will notice is that Man had our 2 Bradford Pear trees cut down yesterday. I was kind of sad. I don't like getting rid of trees, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. He said we needed to get rid of them so the grass would grow. I don't understand. He hates cutting the grass so why not leave the trees?! They eliminated the need for him to spend much time cutting the grass. Not that he EVER spends more than 45 minutes cutting, edging and blowing off the driveway. EVER!!! Not in the 10 years we have lived in our house has he had to spend more than 45 minutes in the yard each week. BUT, now that the trees are gone, that may change!!! We should know by this time next week...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter!

I am getting ready to leave work for the day and head to "Sprawlmart" to pick up a few things, and then home to plant a few things.

I am really missing the kids today! I haven't seen them since Tuesday night, when they all spent the night with me, including their mother. BT thought it would be a great idea if they all spent the night at my house so he wouldn't have to choose between staying with me Tuesday night or staying with his mom. I was actually winning that race, but then he came up with the idea of all of them staying with me, and they did. Daughter was not crazy about the idea because she had a paper to work on for school, but she caved and went home and got their stuff.

When my alarm went off Wednesday morning, it sounded like this: "G, I need you. No go Night-Night." That was BK as she entered my bedroom at 4:52 A.M. Wednesday morning. She had walked down the stairs BY HER SELF! This was a first at my house. Funny thing was that she walked right past the room her mother was sleeping in, and came straight to my room. I was awake and waiting on the alarm to go off a couple of minutes later, so I scooped her up and after a long discussion about watching cartoons while I showered, which she had no desire to do, I took her back upstairs to her mother so I could get ready for work. And, amazingly enough, she went back to sleep.

Daughter and I had boiled crawfish for dinner last night. Man had a salad becuase he doesn't like to work for his food, and in his opinion, peeling crawfish is work. He has no idea what he is missing!

Tonight... PF Changs!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Air Freshener

Since BT was potty trained, we have taught him that air freshener must be used if he does anything other than tinkle. He caught on to that task instantly, mainly because he loved to spray the stuff himself. Without fail, he uses air freshener. The other day I went into the bathroom to help BK potty and noticed something dripping off a picture in the bathroom... it was air freshener. I will certainly give him credit for being thorough in eliminating any offensive odors.

This past Sunday, Daughter took BT to a birthday party at the home of a good friend. BT had to go to the bathroom and apparently stayed gone for quite some time. Daughter went to look for him and as she approached the bathroom, she could hear cabinet doors opening and closing. She asked him what he was doing, and he told her....."I am looking for the air freshener!!!"

Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt...

We had an egg hunt for the grandkids this weekend because they will be spending Easter with their other grandparents this coming weekend. We had a GREAT time. The Easter Bunny came while the kids were very impatiently waiting on the two adults to hide the eggs. We hid (and I use that word very loosely since it looked like they simply stood at the back door and threw them out in the yard) 200 hundred eggs for FOUR children under 5 years old! That's what happens when communcation is lacking amongst the adults about who is to provide the eggs. We did dye 10 real eggs just for the "experience." And, it was just that. Dye and a 2 year old is not a good mixture.. Dye and a 5 year old was a real test since he would only wait approximately 3 seconds before checking and re-checking to see if the eggs had reached the perfect shade of yellow, blue, green, purple and red. Finally, we had to quit because it was way past bathtime and we didn't want them to miss bedtime for sure! I was whipped. And, BT wanted to stay with me since he NEVER gets to come to my house.. Really? I was thinking just the opposite! :)

Saturday morning they were beside themselves to get the festivities started. Grandkids and their cousins played really well together and had a great time. By the time everything was over, BK was so tired, and after adamantly refusing to lay down and rest, she finally got out of my lap and went inside on her own and layed down on the sofa and went to sleep while watching "Cat in a Cat"... That is what she calls it, and she probably holds the world record for watching one movie over and over.. BT decided he needed to go home with me AGAIN, and he did, AGAIN... And, I was so glad he did because otherwise, I would have missed another great infomercial. This one is for a toothpaste holder that attaches to your wall.. Just what I always wanted... a tube of toothpaste hanging upside down on my wall.. Yep, always wanted that for sure!!!.. And as BT so conveniently pointed out to me, "Look G, no more mess, AND, it comes in GOLD!!! " YIPPEE!!!

Sunday, BK stayed with us all day while her mom took her brother shopping for shoes and to a late afternoon birthday party. The party ran late and BK ended up spending the night with us. We took her to the park in the early afternoon and we let her play long and hard in hopes she would take a long nap, and she did. Later we were watching the country music awards, and I do include her in the "we".. She was mesmerized by Taylor Swift and after she sang, she turned around and looked at me and said "I like her."

It was great weekend, and today, I am at work, resting..

Friday, April 3, 2009


BT is a HUGE fan of infomercials. We had no idea how much attention he was paying to these sales pitches until one Sunday afternoon when we were waiting on Daughter and BK to arrive at my house so we could go to the park. He was sitting on the counter in my kitchen watching Sponge Bob, but he was also flipping the channels, when he happened upon an infomercial for Aqua Globes. I was looking at a cookbook and not really paying attention to what was on TV on a Sunday afternoon. Suddenly Benton starting telling me I needed to get some "Appa Globes"... In his words.."G you need to get some Appa Globes. They water your plants when you are away so your plants won't look like this (he does a demonstration of what a wilted plant will look like)... and they come in 4 colors... Red, Blue, Green and Monkey colored." When I looked at him and started soaking up what he was saying, I started laughing so hard, I could not breathe.. SERIOUSLY... "Monkey colored"???? He was trying to tell me they come in Red, Blue, Green and MULTI colored... LMAO!!!!

And yes, I do now own two sets of Aqua Globes in all four colors! And, my experience is, they do NOT work, but they are colorful for sure.. especially the Monkey colored one.

Mr. Pointer

In case you don't know what these items are, they are called "Mr. Pointer"... according to BT. His teacher at daycare has one and he has been begging for one since the day he saw her's. Daughter and I have been to the local School Aids store on numerous ocassions to get one and they have been out of these particular Mr. Pointers every time, but they did have a very small version of it, which we did purchase, and he was satisifed with it until we could find the one he REALLY wanted. Well, last night, he finally got his long awaited wish. I ran in School Aids and they had lots of them and we took Mr. Pointer to him. You would have thought he was 15 and had just been presented with his first car!!! He just couldn't believe he FINALLY owed THE Mr. Pointer of his dreams! Earlier in the week I told him I would take him to Toys R Us and buy him any toy he wanted if he would let us put bandaids on his thumb to help him quit sucking his thumb. He loved the idea and wanted to know if Toys R Us had Mr. Pointers. He could get ANY toy he wanted, for breaking a REALLY bad habit, and he wanted a Mr. Pointer that cost $5!!! I hope the little things in life continue to make him so happy.

BK on the other hand, was using her Mr. Pointer as a bat, a sword, and was taking swings at all of us, until her mama took her in another room and counseled her on the actual purpose of a Mr. Pointer. Obviously she was not paying close attention to what her brother was using his Mr. Pointer for.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spray Paint

I know my neighbors are really wondering about me these days.. I have been on a mission lately to re-use a lot of what I have on my deck, and re-vitalize it at the same time. We have a huge deck, that started out very small, and has been added on to a couple of times. It is a great place to sit in the evenings, with a fire in the chimanea, or a steak on the grill, and have a cold adult beverage. My family and friends know what I am talking about. Anyway, instead of buying a lot of new accessories (we bought new furniture last year), I have decided that most of what I have just needs a fresh coat of paint and that will make it all new again. I have spray painted flower pots, the grandkids table and chairs, some concrete critters, and few pieces of wrought iron. I have done the same thing with items sitting outside my front door. And, I spray it all in the street in front of my house so I don't, you know, get paint on MY grass. I do put newspaper down when I spray paint, but there is always that dang overspray that gets you.. Right now, the street in front of my house is brown, bronze and teal, with a blacktop backdrop. I get a "look" from the neighbor next door everytime she has to drive past my house to get to her house. She isn't overly fond of us anyway, so me painting the street only adds to her frustrations. It can't be helped. I am on a mission. My deck will look its best ever this year!!! By the end of next week, I will be done with the spray paint, and most of the planting. When I learn how to download pictures from my camera to my laptop, I will post some pictures so I can look at them during the day... while I am supposed to be working.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Don't clean it... Oxyclean it!!!

Since BT NEVER sees me, he wanted to spend the night with me last night and I said OK since it actually had been a while since he spent the night during the week. I have been trying to make him stay home more during the week to keep them both in somewhat of a routine. Of course, being at my house on a regular basis is actually part of their routine. Last night, he took his shower, brushed his teeth and then joined Man and I as we watched Biggest Loser. He loves this show.. He didn't like it at all when I flipped the channel during commercials to catch tidbits of Dancing with Stars.. He even told me at one time "G, don't make me miss Biggest Loser." In the midst of our busy night of watching TV, Daughter called and asked me something (which I can't even recall right now) and I told her to just clean it. BT was sitting by me and said "G, don't clean it, Oxyclean it! You just dump it in, and you don't even have to close the lid and your stains will be gone just like that!"

What can I say... he loves infomercials!