this week goes by MUCH faster than last week. I am the only lady here this week, which means I can't leave for lunch unless one of the attorneys is here to answer the phone. I love working in an office with very few people. Believe me, it has WAY more advantages than disadvantages, but the disadvantage I like the least is not being able to leave when I want/need too. The other lady I work with comes to work every morning and rarely leaves again before leaving at the end of the day. I can't do that. I start feeling claustrophobic. I need to be able to walk outside, get in my vehicle, and go somewhere, even if it is to run home and let the puppies out.
Man and I had a great weekend. We met friends for lunch Saturday, to eat CRAWFISH again!! They were better, and bigger this time than last time we had them. They had two more weeks to grow and the growing did them good. I think we will go back this weekend and eat some more. Even Man eats them and he does NOT like to work for his food, and eating crawfish is work. But he ate almost as many as I did, which was pretty impressive for him. We sat on the patio of the restaurant while eating, and it was a tad warm. Man does NOT like to be hot, but he was a champ about sitting out there because he knows I love to be outside.
And, since everyone knows crawfish just do not fill you up, we went to a local pizza place for dinner and I had nothing other than... CRAWFISH BREAD, which was awesome... And, they serve draft beer in mason jars. Couldn't ask for a better end to the day.
Yesterday WE worked around the house. I am always working around the house, but Man decided he would participate as well. Before we got started, we made a trip to Lowe's and to Fresh Market. He had never been to Fresh Market before and since I love that place so much, I felt like he needed to go, at least once. He is unaccustomed to shopping for his own food. He likes the system we have had set up for the past 25 years, wherein I do all the shopping, chopping, cooking, and the cleaning up afterwards. This system works for him, and it actually works for me too. This way, he has very little say-so in what I cook. There are some things he can't eat, and I respect that, but other than that, he eats what I cook, or he will suffer through a few bites and tell me I don't need to cook that again. Anyway, he said he didn't need to go back to Fresh Market. It was just unnecessary.
I cooked our dinner on the grill, added a couple of sides and he was good to go. He said I did good. I cleaned up the mess and FINALLY sat down to rest. It was a busy, but fruitful day.. If I could just skip Monday...
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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