In case you don't know what these items are, they are called "Mr. Pointer"... according to BT. His teacher at daycare has one and he has been begging for one since the day he saw her's. Daughter and I have been to the local School Aids store on numerous ocassions to get one and they have been out of these particular Mr. Pointers every time, but they did have a very small version of it, which we did purchase, and he was satisifed with it until we could find the one he REALLY wanted. Well, last night, he finally got his long awaited wish. I ran in School Aids and they had lots of them and we took Mr. Pointer to him. You would have thought he was 15 and had just been presented with his first car!!! He just couldn't believe he FINALLY owed THE Mr. Pointer of his dreams! Earlier in the week I told him I would take him to Toys R Us and buy him any toy he wanted if he would let us put bandaids on his thumb to help him quit sucking his thumb. He loved the idea and wanted to know if Toys R Us had Mr. Pointers. He could get ANY toy he wanted, for breaking a REALLY bad habit, and he wanted a Mr. Pointer that cost $5!!! I hope the little things in life continue to make him so happy.
BK on the other hand, was using her Mr. Pointer as a bat, a sword, and was taking swings at all of us, until her mama took her in another room and counseled her on the actual purpose of a Mr. Pointer. Obviously she was not paying close attention to what her brother was using his Mr. Pointer for.
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