I ran to Walmart this morning prior to coming to work. This is when I always go to Walmart. You will rarely EVER see me in there at any other time. It is just too frustrating. There is really no such thing as "running in" Walmart, unless you go before 7:00 A.M., which is usually when you will find me there. It could be a place to just "run in" if there were not so many people who truly believe "it is their world and everyone else should adjust."
At 6:30 A.M. this morning I "ran in" Walmart, gathered my items (less than 20), got in the "express lane," and that is where everything came to a standstill. For a good 10 minutes. I was fourth line. The lady being checked out, was almost done. Next customer had a ready made salad and was fishing through her purse. Not a good sign. I assumed she was looking for her debit card. Not. She was looking for a pen. She finally gave up and only after her purchase had been scanned and bagged did she dig through her purse again, and pull out her checkbook, and then ask for a pen. Her total was $3.19 and she wanted to write a check, and she had no pen. She asked the cashier for a pen, and she did not have one either. Neither did the other three registers she checked. I pulled a pen out of my purse to get this process moving, and another employee happened to walk in and she had a pen. Then the customer wanted to know if she could write her check for $20.00 instead of $3.19. Her one purchase took 5 times as long as mine, and I purchased 19 items. This kind of thing used to happen to me ALL THE TIME in Walmart which is why I started going before all the brain dead people got up and got started on their day. I have been behind people who purchased $200.00 or more and they either can't find their debit card, can't find their credit card, can't find their checkbook, can't remember their pin (and even attemped to call a couple of relatives to see if they remembered the pin number), not enough cash to purchase all they had in their buggy, and then started having items removed so they could get their total down to the amount of cash they had on hand. There have also been those whose debit/credit card gets denied, and they attempt to blame it on Walmart. They know they don't have the money in their account, or that their credit card has been canceled, but they still stand there, holding up the line until a Customer Service Representative has to be called and confirms it just ain't happening with the method of payment they are attempting to use. I don't know why I continue to be amazed at what people try to get away with, but I do.
Target is actually easier, but it just isn't a good place to shop for groceries for me. It also doesn't open early enough, and it is out of my way. I do like Target, but it is a matter of convenience, and price. I do buy clothes there (I have on a really cute shirt from there today), especially for the grandkids, but I can't justify the price difference in the other stuff.
So, I may have to start going to Walmart even earlier. Or eat less.
The I-64 Spring Fiber Fling
1 day ago
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